Looking For You In The Faces

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Today was the day! Today was the day he got to go back home to the love of his life. His heart was racing in excitement. 

When they got on the flight he was so impatient that the flight seemed 10x longer than it actually was. Eleanor just rolled her eyes at him and turned away. See, things like this is what makes Louis not want to try to befriend her. She just doesn't understand. 

In the last hour of the flight, he started bouncing his leg in anxiousness. Why couldn't the pilot go any faster? People break traffic rules on the road so many times but not in the air? There's less air traffic too, so it's less dangerous too!

Then Eleanor spoke, "Yeah but at the same time there isn't the danger of falling out of the sky and crashing onto a bunch of buildings. And stop bouncing your leg."

"What?" Louis asked, confused.

"You suddenly blurted out something about how people break traffic rules on land so why don't they do that on air," Eleanor said.

"Oh. I must've accidentally said that out loud. Sorry," Louis mumbled sheepishly. Eleanor just laughed a little bit and turned away again. Again, look at this, she doesn't even try to engage in a conversation, just makes a comment on something I accidentally say out loud and then turns away again. 

Louis pulled out his phone and texted Harry his complaints about Eleanor because he didn't have anything better to do.

My Hazzabear ❤️

Louis: harryyy

Harry: hi

Louis: how tf did someone as sweet as you become friends with El?

Harry: what did she do?

Louis: she didn't really do anything but...

Louis: she rolled her eyes at me when I was really excited to get on the plane to come back to you and then turned away

Louis: and then I was thinking about how ppl driving cars break the traffic rules all the time so why cant pilots flying airplanes break the rules and fly faster and I accidentally said that out loud so Eleanor just said smth in response and turned away again

Louis: how can someone so warm and sweet be friends with someone so cold and rude?

Harry: louis

Louis: what?

Harry: has it ever occurred to you that you might intimidate her?

Louis: what? why? i mean ik i'm a really strong person who everyone should be afraid of if they ever insult you but...

Harry: haha ok lou

Harry: but that's why she's scared of you

Louis: huh?

Harry: she knows you love me and she knows that i love you and she knows that we'll do anything for each other so she's scared of pissing you off or saying something wrong about you to me that will make us judge her

Louis: well i already am judging her so it's clearly not working.

Louis: plus she hasn't even tried to start a conversation. all our conversations are either about missing you or our next pr stunt.

Harry: well if you want to then you should try and fix that

Louis: i don't want to 😒

Harry: okay lou. i love you 🥰

Louis: i love you too 😘

Half an hour later the plane landed and Louis could not have gotten his bags and gotten off faster. He ran to the arrivals section of the airport and looked around to find Harry. Why the fuck are so many people in the airport? He just wants to look for his Hazza. A couple of times he thought he saw him but it wasn't actually him. 

Finally, his eyes met a familiar pair of green eyes surrounded by curly hair. He's pretty sure he made a squeal of delight. He's pretty sure more than one head turned at that and judged him. He's pretty sure a bunch of people tried to stop him for pictures. He couldn't have cared less. He immediately ran to Harry and hugged him. He's glad that nobody noticed and that there were no paps here otherwise he would've been in really big trouble. He's lucky Eleanor stayed with him and covered it up by giving Harry and equally tight hug to make it seem normal. He doesn't give her enough credit. Harry seemed to get what he was thinking and smirked at him. Louis just rolled his eyes and smiled. 

"Ready to go home?" Harry asked quietly. 

"So ready," Louis replied.

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