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I stood in the center of the parlor, attempting to make sense of what my mother had stated a few moments prior.

"Oh no, Mom, I implore you, I really do not want to--"

I declined politely, seeking to persuade her to change her mind as she continued to rush from one room to the next, packing items.

"Just try to accept my decision, Mother. Please, I beg you, I do not desire to depart."

I stood beside her, frowning like a youngster.

Without warning, she discarded the things she had been trying to pack into the travel bag and spun around to face me. She gently cradled my face in her hands.

"Darling, I have chosen. We will depart the following morning prior to dawn."

She abruptly turned herself around and resumed packing clothes for our trip.

"I'm done! Am I simply going to surrender this effortlessly?" I deliberated, observing her proceed upstairs to carry out the responsibilities she had pursued beforehand.

"Let's avoid lingering like a poltergeist, Hana, and instead, move your slothful legs and help me!" she shouted from upstairs, and I only rolled my eyes as I started to march to my chamber to pack my belongings.

In the morning, my mother proposed the notion of visiting my grandparents' countryside home to spend the holidays there, which startled me profoundly. Although I enjoy my grandmother and grandfather's company, several considerations have prompted me to decline, including the lack of Wi-Fi.

I'm worried about how I'll survive without Wi-Fi or Netflix. Additionally, I don't know anyone there, so boredom will be inevitable, and I'll likely perish from boredom alone. Maybe I'll be a rotten pickle, who knows?

The memory surfaced in my brain when I was six years old, when I had traveled to my grandparents' village, only to realize that residents there were overwhelmingly elderly, there's barely any kids.

My mother attempted to influence me with the idea that I required a break from the city's cacophony, since it's unhealthy.

"Mom? Seriously?" I expressed in indignation, you're tempting me with fresh air? How am I supposed to endure this for 4 whole months?


I finished assisting my mom and packed everything, which completed at 7 pm. Subsequently, I settled down to take a rest on my bed. My hand grasped my phone, and I began to play a few games since I was bored.

Then, the thought of contacting my best friend Eunji sprang to mind, so I dialed her number and tapped the call button.

"Hey dummy." Eunji declared.
"Hey Eunji." I greeted her.
"Tell me, how are things going with you?" She inquired about my whereabouts.
"Well, I have been missing you and I got a new nail set with a new design but unfortunately I don't think that I will be able to put them on and show you" I frowned.

"It's okay baby, what is it?" She spoke knowing well that I was calling her to spill things.
"My Mother is making me forcedly join her trip, we are gonna spend the vacation in grandma's and grandpa's house." I expressed, my frown deepening.
"I'm going to miss you, Eunji, so much" my frown grew as I imagined my days going all boring and stiffy.
"You're so blessed." Eunji exclaimed.
"Blessed? Not in the slightest. I hate this" I whined declining wholly the idea.

"I don't like the countryside; furthermore, it will be tedious. No Wi-Fi, no nightclubs, no parties. It's utterly boring and slightly frightening to spend my days without you." I explain, presuming that I am displaying a pout to some degree.

"Girl, you always win my heart! Goodness, my love for you is immense. Perhaps, you'll find eligible gentlemen in the country side, regardless, take care of yourself, my beloved. I cherish you to no end. Be wary and safe. Kisses to you too." She sends me an online kiss via the phone and we hung up.

Wondering what to do next, I firstly checked my 'to do list' then I started to move lazily in my room.
My plan was to download some drama episodes and films, since they will be my anti-boredom weapon in my next few days. And so I did, I took my laptop and started to download whatever came in my fyp randomly. Once I checked that all my videos are completely downloaded, I refreshed my offline music playlist and I added some new ones.

It took me almost an hour to finish my task.
Also, I checked my luggage making sure that I had packed all my necessities including my makeup set, skincare set, my favorite essentials that I will never move without having them of course, my phone's charger, my dear laptop and finally my smart watch and headphones.

"Just in case I need to be fashionable to attend an unexpected party. I wonder, do they even have parties?" Zipping up my bag, I sighed throwing my tired body on the soft mattress. I snorted "anyway."

Sighing and closing my eyes, I heard footsteps approaching my room.
"Hana, dinner is read-" Mom stopped mid sentence observing my bags on the floor.
"Did I say by any chance that we are moving abroad or something?" She crossed her arms looking at me through the door frame.

"Oh mom, I can't move without my necessities."I sighed giving her a puppy frown.
Laughing at my childish act, she made her way towards my bed, sitting down on the edge and giving me a warm smile.

"Listen honey, it's not that bad. I mean the village changed a lot since a while, give it a chance, I promise you will never regret it later." she warmly surrounded me with her arms, speaking things up and trying to convince me somewhere.

I smiled at her, saying that it would be fun trying new things and so we agreed.
Going back to the main thing she came here for, mom told me to be downstairs in a few minutes because we will eat dinner then she walked out of my room.

I put my phone in my pocket, sighing deeply. At that night, I wished that whatever will happen, would be nothing other than good, since I felt like it's not going to be.

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