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Michaela busied herself in the small flower garden that spilled out of the drums and barrels that lined the veranda of the small cottage she was staying in. She stood there with her spritzer bottle showering the daisies. She derived a simple pleasure from watching the water bead on the green leaves, on the white petals that turned a pretty shade of purple at the tips and pooled white to the yellow core. She moved on to the lavender shrubs and took a moment to appreciate their sweet smell that was able to penetrate her somber mood.

She was grateful to have this place. During the day there was no time to focus on her broken heart as she navigated the highs and lows of pre-teens all day. Chasing, wrangling, corralling; at times she felt like a shepherdess with the most wayward bunch of sheep.

And as the day waned, when the woods were silent but for the faint rustling of leaves, she had this. A small garden to care for and tend for, overflowing purples sprouting up out of the warmth of soil and the green backdrop. It managed to catch her by surprise every day and make her smile. She ran the tips of her fingers over the soft pillowy clouds of wisteria that stood tall.

She could be grateful for the small things, especially when she didn't have to stay in a bunk bed of cabins with the other young camp counselors.

Before long she was settled on a large rocking chair with a hot, strong coffee. It was in the quiet, still moments like this when thoughts of Carlos intruded. He was a coffee connoisseur and would probably be aghast that she was drinking instant.

It was still too raw, too new to keep him out of her head. She was lucky she had some distraction otherwise she might have gone mad. Even now, as she looked across the clearing to the woods, she thought she saw him. But that was impossible. And yet, a man was striding her way and wearing...a suit?

"Carlos?" she asked as if she still couldn't believe her eyes. He looked very much unlike the passionate arrogant man who had exiled her to a loveless life. He looked hesitant, unsure.

"Michaela I –" Carlos started and then stopped. He did this several times as he searched for the right words. When he found them, Michaela didn't know what to think.

He was talking about a charity that worked with kids. The charity needed someone to project manage. Someone who would take the kids out on charter, introduce them to water toys, keep them safe, feed them, and encourage them. It sounded wonderful but...

"You want to give me a job?" she asked confused, pained. "You want to be my boss again?"

"No. I –" he struggled to find the words.


Carlos had rehearsed this in his head so many times and he was ballsing it up. She didn't understand. He had to find the right words to make her understand. He was usually so good at finding the right words. Why then was he suddenly so incapable of expressing himself?

He had watched her from the edge of the clearing for too long. She had looked so peaceful working in her garden, quiet and studious, every inch garnering her attention. She looked as wild as the garden, with her hair overflowing out of the clip and down her back, over her shoulders, falling into her eyes, which she kept shoving away. He had remembered how her hair had framed her face when they made love, how he had held it back, pulled on it to tip her throat so he could kiss her exposed neck. He remembered seeing her pulse, feeling its quickened thrill under his tongue as he closed his mouth over the beating sensation. She was everything and here he was ballsing it up.

"I was wrong," he admitted simply. "I should have trusted you, trusted my own instinct but it was easier to believe the lie. I let that lie settle as truth and built a wall of anger to protect myself. And by the time I had worked off the anger, it was too late. I had already ruined everything." Carlos looked her in the eyes, needing her to feel his regret.

"Why? Why was it so easy for you to believe the worst of me when I'd only ever been honest with you?"

"I was in love once before or thought I was. I know now how wrong I was. Veronica Marsh. She was beautiful, from a good family. We'd been friends before we became lovers and I'd seen our future following the same path of Lawrence and Jenny. Only, -" He had to clear his throat. "Only she used me to make her ex jealous. She used my power, my status, and my love to entice him back."

"What kind of wretched person would use another's feelings like that."

Carlos felt warmed by the mix of anger and horror on her face.

"When I saw Paul's text messages, I let the past blind me. I didn't want to come to you with nothing but an apology," he said opening his hands. "After visiting your brother and finding out you were here and thinking of how you were with Tyler, well, I found a charity, one that works with disadvantaged youth. The organisation had the heart and drive and commitment but lacked the funding to really expand the minds of their young charges to show them possibilities. With our help, they are going to run a series of outdoor camps – a lakeside camp in the woods," Carlos tipped his hands to indicate this camp, "a water camp where they stay out on the boats, and a rural camp on a farm where they learn to work with animals."


"Here," Carlos nodded. "And you would be responsible for managing the water camp, alongside Dan."

"And you would be my boss again?"

Be her boss again, and have to get past her 'no dating the boss' rule?

"No. The Everton's Trust will sponsor the organisation, but we would have no control over the operation. You would be employed by the charity. In fact, you still have to interview for the position, but I can help you prepare."

"You did this for me?"

"You could still work towards obtaining your skipper's ticket too as the hours on the boat would still be part of your role. Or I could just buy you your own yacht if you'd prefer?"

Michaela brought a hand to her lips, her eyes moistened with tears.

"I couldn't be your boss again, Michaela. I don't want your rule or your fear to come between us."

"You know your first flaw, right? You're an ass. And I'm tired of you acting like an ass and expecting forgiveness."

"My heart recognised you in the cafe. When I acted inexcusably it was because I didn't want to open myself again to being hurt. But if you give me this chance, I promise I will cherish you forever."

The few moments it took for her to answer, were the longest he'd ever known.

"Stop doing things that require my forgiveness. This is your last chance, Mr Everton."

His lips twitched at her address. "I'll make it count - Mrs Everton."

He could see her thoughts turning over in her mind when the meaning of his words sunk in and joy washed over her beautiful features. He chose that moment to produce the small ring box that had been burning a hole in his pocket. In the heart of the box sat an amethyst, her birthstone, which was ringed by tiny sparkling diamonds.

"Carlos?" she whispered breathily.

"I love you, Michaela," a simple statement that meant so much. Just like the ring, and the job opportunity.

"Tell me what you're thinking?" he commanded softly when she made no move to respond.

"Plan C."

"Plan C?" he asked suspiciously. She couldn't still be making up ridiculous plans to distance herself from him. He wouldn't let her.

"Yes. Marry the man of my dreams and live happily ever after."

Carlos barely had time to brace himself as she launched herself into his arms. He swept her up and held her as if she were the most precious thing in the world.

He breathed in her scent of lavender and rain and let it sustain him.

"I love you too, Carlos."

He couldn't express his happiness in words, so he carried her to her room, laid her down on the bed, and showed her with his body just how much he loved her.


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