Lover #2

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" What do you remember before you black out?" Minnie said

" Sirius and I were in my bedroom, and Lily runs in with Harry in her arms, telling us that the dark lord was outside the house and that James needed help. We went out with our wand and I put a protection spell on my bedroom because we told Lily to stay there." Lucia tells McGonagall as she just keeps on nodding her head.

" Well, don't worry. Lucia everyone is fine, Harry is fine, James and Lily are alive, but what else do you remember from that night" Minnie said as Lucia smiled when she heard that the potter's were still alive.

" When we went outside, I saw Bellatrix, Narcissa, Lucius, and Peter. But I was fighting my mother, I hate to say it, but I killed her, and that's when I started fighting the dark lord, and Peter jumped in to help him." Lucia says with a sad look, talking about her mother and Peter helping the dark lord.

" Lucia, what year do you think it is?" Minnie asked with a hopeful look on her face.

" It's the year of 1981, Harry was already 1 year old."

" Lucia... The year is 1994" Minnie said, making me drop my smile and I got up from my seat and looked outside the window to see hogwarts from a far-

" Lucia. Harry's on his third year at hogwarts, the boy is 13" Minnie said as the blonde hair girl looks back at her with a small smile, and then she remembers Remus and Sirius

" What happened to Remus and Sirius? Are they okay? Please tell me they are okay..." she said, hoping that they are okay and alive

" Lucia. Everyone from the marauders are oh okay but Peter is not friends with them anymore. In a couple of days at Hogwarts, we have family day, so you can meet them again, " Minnie said to me with a little smirk on her face cause she always knew that I fancy Sirius

I found out that she made a bet with Dumbledore to see who I would get with Minnie shipped me and Sirius, but Dumbledore shipped me and Peter. She also explained to me that on every Halloween, all the families from the kids who go to Hogwarts have dinner with the school. Minnie said that they made that so everyone can remember me as 'the brave friend who was only trying to save her friends'

A/n: In this chapter, please pretend that Family Day is a thing at hogwarts, and it happens ever Halloween

Two days later, Lucia was at the doors of the great hall, waiting for Minnie to let her in. She also found out by the newspapers that I was still reported missing, and people still had hope of me being alive. Minnie told her that she had already told Dumbledore about her being alive and that Lucia was going to hogwarts to surprise marauders. That's when lucia started to hear Minnie start to talk.

" Attention, everyone! Parents, welcome to another year here at hogwarts for Family Day." Minnie said cause she knows that Lucia was still waiting behind the big, large doors

" On this day, Lucia Malfoy sadly went missing in 1981. She is sadly this reported missing but I know everyone is hoping she comes back alive and not dead- " Minnie said before the great hall doors opens up and everyone turn to see Lucia standing there eating an apple in her hands before the apple just disappeared.

" No way, everyone is having a party without me?" Lucia says with a smirk on her face and everyone from students to some adults I knew since my years at Hogwarts were shocked that I was standing there alive. "Oh! I'm malfoy, Lucia Malfoy. Just in case no one knew who i was..." lucia says as everyone sees McGonagall walk up and hug me. As they pulled away, Lucia saw Lily, her best friend's friend, since her 4th year at hogwarts. Lily runs up to Lucia.

" vix, is that really you?" Everyone hears Lily say with tears already running down her face before lucia could even answer

" Hey lils," as she walks up to her also having tears in her eyes. As Lily pulls Lucia into a hug, they hear people clapping and cheering. We finally let go, as everyone is now just listening and watching them. She sees James with red eyes and tears, James says, 'Lucia' with sadness, and the two best friends start to hug each other as well

" I thought you were dead..." He says while crying into my arms. They let go and see Molly getting up, and she ran up to lucia and hugged her. They were also best friends in their hogwarts years.

They pulled away to see Arthur crying from he is seated. lucia walked up to him and tap on him as they did their hand shake. Lucia sees Charlie, Bill, Percy, Fred, and George with their family, as She hugs all five of them. She was like the cool aunt for the Weasley family, so the five older Weasley siblings saw her as the fun aunt. That's where fred and George learned some pranks. Then her eyes met with Sirius.

They did a huge hug, not wanting to let go of each other. She learned from McGonagall that Remus was a professor at Hogwarts, and Remus cries while hugging her as well. Next, I know I see a young teenage boy black colored hair with black glasses and a walk up to his dad, which was James. I gasped at what I saw.

" Vix, you haven't seen him since he was - " James says to re-introduce Harry to her before she stops him by saying.

" 1 years-old... yeah, I remember. Hey Harry, you might not remember me, but I'm your godmother, " lucia said to everyone who was just listening to them

" So you're my famous Godmother? Yeah, I remember seeing you in pictures in Sirius's room, " Harry says as I start to laugh at the Sirius part as Sirius puts a hand on Harry's mouth.

Sirius looked at her, and they kissed. Lucia looked in front of her to see her dear brother with a blonde boy, and she saw that Narcissa married her brother?

" Dear sister. Wow, I'm shocked to see you home. I..I missed you, to be honest with you. " her brother just told her that he misses her and he's crying?

But as his sister, they hug, and after a few seconds, we pull away. She hugged Narcissa as well cause they were cool. She was one of the nicer siblings from the black family with Sirius being the next one, of course.

"Uhm, Lucia, this is your nephew, Draco," I heard Narcissa say to her, and she looked at the kid with a smile, and he returned it back to me

" To be honest, sis, but Draco looks like you when you were younger, just a boy version," my dear brother says to her. As she answered with a simple 'yeah, he kinda does'

" Well, nice for everyone to see that Lucia is alive. But lucia please go to your family, so we can beginning the feast of tonight" professor Dumbledore says but she was stuck in the middle cause Sirius told her to go with them but then her brother also called me over.

Professor Dumbledore realizes the problem, and he spoke up and said, " Miss and Mister Malfoy? Is there something wrong?"

" Actually, yeah... Lucius, I know that I'm a malfoy and I should go with you but I'm not a Slytherin, I'm a Gryffindor and my Family is over there so sorry Brother but I have to go to the Gryffindor table" lucia say walking to the Gryffindor table with all my best friends and their kids. Sirius takes my hand from under the table and brings me closer. Then Lily said, " Welcome back home, Lucia."

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