A slytherin?

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Jordan Black
House: Slytherin
~ Pure-blood ~
B/R: Friends to Lovers
Jordan is 5th year, and Hermione is 4th year

Jordan povs:

I was walking back from a meeting at the Malfoy Manner with Draco, but I went another way. I went to look from Harry and his friends even tho they don't like me, but I'm not trying to be the bad guy in this story. I'm in my fifth year at hogwarts, and I heard that the Yule ball is coming up next month.

I went outside, knowing that they would be outside. It was only them three. I walked up to them, and the first one to see me was Hermione. " Jordan? How are you?" Hermione says with a smile. She was the only one who thought I'm good and she's actually talked to me during classes. " Im fine. Thanks for asking." I say to her as Harry and Ron just look at me with disgust on their faces, then Harry spoke up and said, " Your name is Jordan? Isn't that a boys name?" Harry says as Hermione hits Harry in the back of the head.

" Well, Potter, Jordan is a unisex name it's for girls and boys... but that's not what I'm here for. Um, I came to warn you all about Voldmort's return, and just be on a lookout. " I said to let all three of them know. "And should we trust you?" Ron says as I quickly answer him cause I just saw Draco walking this way.

"Because I'm the daughter of Sirius black and Remus Lupin, and how much i hate Harry doesn't mean i want him dead. Now excuse me but I have to go." I tell them before leaving with Draco, then turn to Hermione to ask her out cause I like her ever since the first time we started to hang out and talk in class.

" Oh and Hermione? Can I take you out on Saturday afternoon? " I said to her, hoping she said yes as her friends look at me as weirdly but I didn't really care cause I got used to it because being the daughter of two Gryffindors, people start think your evil and not like your parents

"As in a date?" She asked, making me feel nervous." Yeah.. yeah. I mean if you want to" I said with a nervous voice and as I look down to the ground I heard Ron whispering to 'imagine a girl liking another girl' I guess Hermione also heard it and said " Sure. I will go out with you."

"Great. Meet me here at 3 " I say with a smile as she smiles back, and I hear Draco call me, and I say bye to Hermione and see her blushing. I ran back to Draco and told him about me asking Hermione, and he was proud of me. Finally, a family member that isn't disappointed in me like my dad, Sirius, I mean, he's a Gryffindor and me his daughter a Slytherin...

*time skips*

Saturday afternoon, I was wearing a green jacket with a black T-shirt and dark blue jeans, with white shoes. I got there first, and she comes minutes after. She was wearing a beautiful flower dress with black boots. We walked to where the hill was, and she saw a small picnic at the top of the other hill. I saw her smile and she took my hand and dragged me to the picnic. We had strawberries, other fruits, chocolate, drinks, and sandwiches.

I picked some flowers for her, and I brought some books she would probably like to read. But it turned night and the stars were shining and it started to pour rain.

Instead of running inside the castle, Hermione pulled me up, and we started to dance in the rain without music, and all you heard was the rain and us laughing at each other.

Next thing i know, Hermione grabbed some of the frosting of one of the cupcakes and put it on my face. I did the same to her. We finally decided to go inside, so I did a little magic and cleaned up before leaving the hill. We went to the girl bathroom to clean up, but we were still wet from the rain.

I walked her to the Gryffindor common room door, and when we got there, Harry and Ron were already waiting for her. I told Hermione bye and went to my dorm. But I wasn't far when I heard Harry say, 'I thought you were joking when you said yes to her'

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