Time for Some Fun

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POV: Katherine Pierce

Thank you Kevin *waves concierge away taking lid off of tray - picks out a couple fries*

What to wear, what to wear... We all know black is my colour but very typical... Perhaps red? Sexy, elegant... Hmm... Definitely red

*grins to self eating more fries* Right,eggs get ready shall we. I have some fun to have

Decision made, Katherine gets ready for her night out. Once dressed, she makes her way into town trying to decide on which venture to use this evening.

Definitely not the dance techno club, my god were those people far too... Boring and they tasted so pungent. Not the alternative club, far too loud I can barely hear myself think. Perhaps the bar for a change, I can hear music but more subtle... People chatting... Let's give it a go

*makes way over walking past line of people over to security compelling him* Let me in, won't you *smiles at him walking past and inside looking around* Reminds me of the grill, just less small towny and more peppy

As she makes her way over to the bar, Katherine orders a drink and a few shots to get going. Taking in the atmosphere and looking around she starts the process of deciding who to have her fun with.

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