Just One Drink... Right? Pt. 1

20 1 0

POV: Katherine Pierce

One drink, that's the agreement. He didn't say specifically how long that one drink had to last though.

*as I walk into the club, I head over to the bar to grab myself a drink before Callen arrives* Bottle of whiskey, leave the bottle

Bartender: Ma'am we can't allow that-

I said leave the bottle *I say as I compel him* Thank you *takes the bottle and two glasses before making way over to an empty table sitting down*

Even for a weekday, clubs in LA aren't particularly quiet... Might make this night a little more interesting.

*checks the time - 19:58*

Callen: Worried I wouldn't make it?

*looks up hearing his voice* Never, you seem like the kinda man who stays true to his word

Callen: *takes a seat opposite her* I do when it concerns a certain someone potentially killing more people

Oh come on now, just because I threatened to kill people doesn't mean I would

Callen: *raises eyebrows slightly* I don't believe that

Good *grins pouring him a glass sliding it over to him* Did you put on a clean shirt for little ol' me?

Callen: Did you change your entire outfit for me?

Nothing feels better than dressing up a little bit, don't you think

Callen: If you say so

I have to say, darker colours really do bring out those baby blue eyes of yours *grins sipping drink*

Callen: Bit of an obsession with my eyes? Why is that

They're very blue and I can see a lot behind them

Callen: You think? *leans back in seat* We're not here to talk about my eyes. I want to know more about you. Who you are. My team tried running your face through the system, nothing

Well I should hope not, I am far too old for that

Callen: How old

Has no one ever told you not to ask for a ladies age before?

Callen: Not when it concerns the supernatural

June 5th 1473

Callen: So you're 550 years old *raises eyebrows* Yet you look-

Flawless, perfect. Angelic *grins*

Callen: Like a teenager...

I got turned in 1492. I was 19. My turn to ask a question... How exactly do you know about the supernatural, you mentioned Russia?

Callen: *eyes narrow ever so slightly*

Look, this works both ways. If you don't want to play 20 questions with me I guess I'll have to occupy my time some other way... Maybe with him... Or her... What about those two?

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