Days, Months, Years

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Time passes. Days turn into weeks, weeks into months. For Callen, he recovered from his undercover mission like nothing happened. Coming back to work, leading his team on cases that kept them all on their toes. There were a few close calls, not only for him but also for his team. But there were also some positive updates within the team. Kensi and Deeks moved in together, Nell and Eric finally made their relationship official. Callen was happy to see his team happy, after all he does consider them to be family.
As for Katherine, there have been a few times where she had to disappear for a while. Sometimes she would give Callen some warning, others she couldn't. She too had some close calls, nothing as close to death but enough to be considered torture.

But what about Katherine and Callen's relationship I hear you think to yourself? Well, during these times they would still come together when they can. Any spare time Callen had away from work he would spend with Katherine. They both enjoyed the idea of spending what time they could with one another without any 'strings' so to speak. But that didn't stop either of them from missing the other. They grew an attachment, a bond to one another. With Callen's work and Katherine going off to god knows where, it would be down to Katherine to come back to him. It made sense to both of them. It was some stability they could both rely on. Here's the part you wouldn't expect... Instead of using the hotel as their mutual meeting point, Callen asked Katherine if she wanted to use his house instead. She was surprised, as anyone would expect but didn't decline his offer. In turn, Callen had brought some additional furniture for his home after being ridiculed by Katherine numerous times about the lack of seating places.

Their time together, some brief and some not so, they did convey more personal history with one another. Katherine explaining more of the supernatural world to Callen and Callen explaining more of his job and what he's done to Katherine. Though most of their time did mainly consist of their physical attraction towards one another. However, there were some more romantic aspects as well... Dinner dates, adventures in the city, movie nights. Both unknown to the pair previously but they found comfort in these activities with one another. Did lust turn into something more? Or are they still battling their independence for this connection they have?

As more time passes, they do unfortunately see less of one another. Not because they don't want to but because of their lives. With Callen being busy at work and having more undercover opportunities and Katherine trying to outrun those who come after her for whatever reasons that come up. There have also been some close calls with the supernatural world finding out about Callen and Katherine's 'relationship', trying to use Callen as leverage but Callen's smart. He knows about their world but they don't know that. He can use this to his advantage and he has. Warning Katherine of each encounter has allowed her to follow through with ensuring this doesn't happen but it doesn't always work of course. That's the risk they take. That's the risk they're willing to take. But at what cost?

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