What Happened Last Night?

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POV: G Callen

*wakes up groggy to the sun peeping through the curtains and an ache in his arm*

What time is it? God, I need to stop sleeping on couches... Couches? I don't remember heading back to work...

*I open my eyes and immediately notice that the ceiling above isn't the office - as I look around the room then down to my arm I see why it aches*...

Katherine? Oh tell me we didn't- Okay, no. We're fine. Fully clothed. Least there's that. She seems... Peaceful... I need to get up

*slides arm out slowly from under her neck, moving carefully to position self up and her arm from torso* I think-

Katherine: *feels movement and instinctively has him pinned down from couch to the floor straddling his waist with legs eyes dark and teeth bared*

Easy... I was trying not to wake you

Katherine: *takes a moment before eyes and teeth return back to normal*

... Are you going to move?

Katherine: Aren't you enjoying yourself?

Don't flatter yourself

Katherine: I don't need to, you're the one who stayed the night

And now I need to go to work

Katherine: Buzz kill *eyes flicker over him before standing up moving to one side so he too can stand*

*doesn't know what to say so grabs shoes and pulls them on*

Katherine: *watches him head tilted slightly to one side*

*raises eyebrows at her in question*

Katherine: I'm going to take a shower, rinse this booze smell off of me *walks off towards bathroom*

Okay... *stands up straight once shoes are on watching as she shuts the door to the bathroom, hearing as the shower turns on* I'm gonna go *I say not knowing if she can hear me - doesn't hear a response so walks out shutting door to room behind me*

What was I thinking staying the night? I need coffee... A lot of it... And maybe a shower- definitely a shower

*I make my way out of the hotel and head straight to the coffee shop to grab myself a coffee before heading to the office, hoping no one is in early*

POV: Katherine Pierce

*wakes up suddenly feeling a jolt and pins someone to the floor*

Callen: Easy... I was trying not to wake you

*I take a moment before returning my eyes and teeth back to normal*

Callen: ... Are you going to move?

Aren't you enjoying yourself? *I say with a flirtatious tone*

Callen: Don't flatter yourself

I don't need to, you're the one who stayed the night

Why did he stay the night? And why isn't he acting more weird... He should be acting more weird, right?

Callen: And now I need to go to work

Buzz kill *my eyes flicker over him before standing up and moving to one side so he too can stand*

Callen: *doesn't know what to say so grabs shoes and pulls them on*

*watches him head tilted slightly to one side*

Nothing more to say? What is there to say. We're fully clothed (disappointing much). But it wasn't completely disappointing... It felt... Nice, relaxing

Callen: *raises eyebrows at her in question*

I'm going to take a shower, rinse this booze smell off of me *I say before walking off towards bathroom, shutting the door slightly*

Callen: Okay... I'm gonna go

*hears him speak before the door closes behind him - turns head looking at self in the mirror* Oh Katherine... What is going on with you, hmm?

I don't know what this was, why it happened but it wasn't at all displeasure-able...

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