Chapter 3

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"You sure you don't need walking home, gorgeous-?"

"No, Eden. I can walk home on my own thanks, and stop calling me cringy flirty names."
Maddie told him for like the 3rd time. The part she found the worse about it wasn't the fact that he was flirting with her, but from how unoriginal and basic the names were. It was as if he learnt his pickup lines from an edgy bad boy who makes thirst traps on TikTok for a living.

"Cringy? You say that yet you blushed when I called you it the first time! But I understand, you just can't accept my love, is that it? Am I not good enough for you, Maddie? Do I not fit your
Standards?" Eden mocked, she went red in the face, he was such a tease but not in the way she appreciated.

Without saying another word, Maddie stormed out of the front door of the agency. The streets weren't as busy as the previous journeys which was lovely... despite the remaining lurking feeling of being watched that went up her back and down her shoulders like a cold breeze.

Just. Start. Walking. No need to stand around...

Each step felt like reaching some kind of doom, like something was bound to happen. Which wasn't that surprising, you can't move to one of the highest crime rate cities in the country and NOT expect danger.

Maddie cringed at the feeling of water soaking her socks and a sudden stampede of people arrived, splashing water everywhere with all the panic from people trying to get off of the bus and onto the pavement.
Being pushed around combined with being grabbed was not a good combination, especially when people were to busy with their own lives to notice the same individual that they pushed, about to become a victim just seconds later.

"Empty ya' wallet, lady. I ain't got all day y'know!" a voice from behind her said, pressing some against the back of her head, which she assumed was a firearm.

Maddie, not wanting to get into any trouble that she would regret later, began to empty her wallet. Taking out quite a bit of her cash, but not all of it in hopes that the crook wouldn't notice.

"That's it?! You must have more than that; do I seriously have to repeat myself?!–" The armed man when silent only seconds before crashing into an old dumpster nearby.

Static radiated the air, like... electricity.

"Pathetic scum, preying on women who aren't able to protect themselves. Such a low level degenerate." A male voice spoke out as Maddie turned around in shock.

So this is one of Halodine's vigilantes... truly efficient.

The male in front of her wore a thick Secret Meadow coloured hoodie, hiding his most of his hair, but still a few light blue and golden parts of his hair is visible. Black combats over the vigilante's lower body, bulky black boots securing his stance.

However, two features that stood out more than the others, was the long golden spear strapped to the male's back, and the golden lightning tattoo across his lip.

"You need to be more careful, just because there may be people around, doesn't mean that you are safe." The hoodie saviour advised as he took the stolen money from the now unconscious crook, and giving it back to Maddie.

Before Maddie could ask a question or even speak a word, the spear wielding vigilante shot in the air, leaving a bolt of lightning as a trail; soon disappeared above the clouds and into the shadows once again.

Time to leave... time to leave...

Maddie's way of avoiding doomKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat