Chapter 4

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Last night was... well... rough. But that wouldn't prevent Maddie from going out during the day with Sonia.

The vigilante's advice was burned into her head though, she definitely won't forget, that's for sure.

Finding a shop of interest wasn't difficult when walking through Halodine properly for the first time. Despite being a city of crime, it was also a city where the retail and entertainment industries prospered. So of course it didn't take long for a clothes shop to catch Sonia's eye, instantly rushing through the store's doors, Maddie close behind so that she wouldn't lose her little sister.

While Sonia was trying on clothes in the changing room, Maddie somehow managed to get into a conversation with a bloke, which was surprising because of how introverted Maddie normally was.

Sonia looked in the mirror of the on the wall of the changing room cubicle, checking herself out, seeing how the blue dress fit her and flowed with her movements. The dress stopped at her knees, but I felt more like a princess dress from the uncomfortable and low quality material. To be honest, he hated it. The design was okay, but the texture and material was just too uncomfortable and itchy to wear.

Thankfully, that dress was the last to try on; all that was left to do now was pay.

Sonia replaced the dress with her original clothes, just a strawberry top and a pair of blue knee-length shorts. Once finished getting dressed, Sonia unlocked the door of the changing cubicle, each piece of clothing on their hangers as she walked out.

"Who's this guy; Your new boyfriend?" Sonia teased with a playful smirk.
"I'm ready, by the way."

"Well, I'll be going now so that you can get back to spending time with your sister. You've got my number, so I hope we can hang out sometime!" The bloke said as he walked away. Leaving Maddie a little red in the face, not because she thought he was cute or anything...

...I mean...

...maybe a little bit; But not really. It was predominantly because Maddie was really bad when it came to socialising with people, she was useless at it to be frank.

"So... who was that guy? Your boyfriend or something?—"

"SONIA!! No! It's not like that, I swear! Only a new friend. His name is Milo, not 'that guy'." Maddie explained, making herself clear.

Sonia didn't seem to believe her. But who cares whether she believed her or not? Sonia doesn't understand.

"Whatever you say... although, I must say, your taste in men has gotten weirder, but also bolder. It's not everyday you see someone with a lightning bolt tattoo!" Sonia remarked, still mocking Maddie's 'relationship' with the man known as Milo.

Maddie froze.
"Lightning bolt tattoo.? Elaborate."
Could he be... no... there's no way. It has to be some kind or coincidence. There's millions of civilians in Halodine, what are the odds of meeting... him... less than 24 hours later.

"You didn't notice? The lightning bolt tattoo on his lip, how could you not notice that when talking to him??! You literally wear glasses so you can't use that as an excuse either!" Sonia elaborated, look at Maddie with disbelief. "Don't tell me we need to get your eyes checked..."

"N-No, it's fine, just realised something is all."

Could it actually...?

If so...

...then damn he's shit as hiding his identity.

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