Chapter 6

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Author's note!!

Sorry if this chapter is shit, I wrote this months ago, I haven't written anything in months, and I going freestyle with changing up some of the elements and bits in here.

Hope you enjoy it anyway :3

Judice didn't care how many people he shoved out of the way. They were not relevant. They had no importance.

Jevil was his priority.

The tracker led him to a dingy alleyway that was cramped between two abandoned buildings that was located in the west side of Halodine.

West side consisted on mostly abandoned buildings, slums and fossil fuel factories; so why would there be two high ranked heroes patrolling there? To be blunt, areas like that weren't considered worth the concern. There was no reason for NO.8 and NO.3 hero to be there in the first place.

The sounds of harsh crashing and thuds few in volume as Judice approached cautiously...

As Judice turned the corner, his eyes, which were hidden behind his pink lensed glasses, evaluated the scene in front of him. Jevil was being restrained by Asmocis' thorn green vines, these sharp thorns pierced into his skin like scalpels, drawing blood slowly as if it were the juice from a lemon... dripping onto the dirty concrete floor.

His pinked lensed glasses illuminated as his ability activated...


"Release." Judice commanded, And in an instant, Asmocis releases his vines from Jevil. Not long before a burst of familiar green energy came flying towards Judice from Katrix' palm... only to dissolve on impact as a holy white light disintegrates it down to its singular particle. However, Judice lost his concentration, which set Asmocis free from the binds that was Judice's hypnotic gaze.

Then the chase began...

The crime duo that was Judice and Jevil, both sprinted down the streets of Halodine, being chased into the city's centre where it was most busy. Instantly getting recognised by the public.

"Devil's Earthquake!!" Jevil yelled with a strained voice, still feeling the sting from the injuries that he had received from Asmocis' vines during the 2 v 1. The ground began to shake violently, a building falling in the process, as well as a few minor structures like lampposts and signs.

It was a good enough distraction from the looks of it, as Asmocis and Katrix soon stopped. Asmocis struggling to hold up a building with his vines, having to push his limits to its core just to prevent it from crushing the civilians caught in the crossfire, Katrix evacuating said civilians from the wreckage.

By the time they evacuated the nearby civilians and put the building in a safe spot, Katrix takes a moment to use her ability for an 'energy search' while Asmocis talks to police officers who were on the scene during the chaos. Unfortunately... the distance that she can search is very limited, so it's so surprise when neither Jevil or Judice are detectable in the surrounding area...

Both villains had caused chaos, and gotten away with it...

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