Chapter 9

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Of course it was another night of walking back home, Maddie and Sonia walking side by side, a bag on groceries in Maddie's hand as they walked.

Maddie was tired from work, and Sonia was as clearly exhausted from school. So they just walked in silence.

Maddie couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched though, not like the nurturing kind of being watched... it was more of a creepy kind of being watched.

Her eyes darting from alleyway to alleyway, no matter how many times she had walked these streets, she'll never be able to feel safe in Halodine. She doubted anyone could in this city on crime...

She could've sworn that she's seeing eyes looking at her...
Blue eyes. A royal blue. They were both creepy, yet mesmerising... and kinda beautiful. 


Now isn't the time to be focusing on what she now brushed on as hallucinations.
But were they hallucinations? Or were they real? If they were hallucinations, then was that from her possibly going crazy, or just from the shift in her sleep schedule over the last few weeks? And if they were real, then that would mean that they were being watched, which didn't sit right with Maddie.

It only took one of the eyes to move for her to grab Sonia by her wrist and start speed walking down the street, swiftly making their way to the apartment that they lived in, unlocking the door, going inside and locking the door behind them.

"What was that about, Maddie?! Was there ANY reason to grab me like that??" Sonia demanded for an answer, Maddie just gave her a look of pure terror.

"Just make yourself a sandwich and go eat please." Maddie refused to give a direct answer, just ignoring Sonia's questions altogether.

"Don't just brush me off-!" Sonia shouted, just for Maddie to walk off to the bathroom.

Sonia sighed, going to the kitchen to put some snacks and a sandwich together for a late night dinner.

While Maddie just sat in the bathroom, in pure fear and confusion of what she had seen...

Those royal blue eye would no doubt be in her sleep tonight...

Maddie's way of avoiding doomWhere stories live. Discover now