Chapter 7

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It has been a few weeks now since Maddie had first started working at the Detective Agency, she's comfortable to say the least. She's been working there daily, mainly working with files though.

She somehow managed to get close with Eden.
No. Not in the romantic way that Eden always suggests, but in a more of a friend way! She has accepted that Eden's flirtatious nature is just something she'll have to deal with.

There is one duo that she hasn't been able to get close with that much, was Colin and Sansuki; Sansuki being one of the members that was out on a mission the day she had first came to the agency. They seemed close... to say the least... and not in the way Madrid was with Eden.

From what she gathered, Colin was only social with others if Sansuki was there to convince him. He also had some odd deathly hatred for Jon, which she'll never understand.

Sansuki on the other hand, was social almost all the time, very much the giggly type. And seemed to like Jon.

Two major opposites, yet they clash together like bread and butter. It's quite confusing.

Maddie asked Eden what he knew about the duo, and it seemed that even Eden didn't know all that much. Turns out that they were a lot more secretive than they looked...

I mean, for Colin it was kinda expected, but not really for Sansuki.

Life is full of surprises aye?


I know that was short but I didn't really know what to write for this chapter, it was more of just a info dump chapter I guess >-<

Doesn't mean it's not important tho >:3

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