Chapter 5

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Dusty hoodie over his head, disguising himself from the public; Judice strolls through the streets, which are crowded with innocent people, unaware of the villain hiding amongst them. Judice roams, on the look out for a place to purchase some baked good to give to Jevil, in hopes of shutting up him and his childish antics.

He better give me some space for the next few days after this.

He's barely been on the Main Street, and he's already caught a headache from the sounds of children screaming at their parents, either from being needy or because their parents refused to buy them a specific toy.

Despite the fact that Judice's other half of his crime duo is basically a child, he hates children. To Judice, their only purpose is to be hi test subjects. Nothing more. Nothing less.

He's snapped out of his thoughts when the sweet smell of freshly baked goods invaded the senses.

Following the smell, he finds himself at the entrance of the 'Heaven Cafe'. At the counter in a white apron, an...

...angel woman...?

...was he seeing correctly, or was this some kind of hallucinations?

Nope. He was seeing things correctly...

...not like he was complaining or anything.

Her wings looked to have been brushed carefully and perfectly.
Surrounding her head were two halos, one looking more solid, while the other looked my illuminated and liquified and transparent.

Judice stepped over to the display of baked goods and desserts, they all looked so well made and delicious. He eventually made up his mind on his order.

He walks over to the counter where the angel woman stood behind.

"Excuse me, can I order some bacon and eggs as well as a slice of strawberry cheesecake, please?" Judice requested, still hiding under his hood.

As the angel woman began to prepare Judice's order.
"Of course, sir! Would you like me to put your order in a container, or are you eating inside?"

The sweet woman asked, Judice couldn't help but look at her in awe, her voice was so smooth and soft spoken. He found it cute, honestly.

"Just the cake in a container please."
The angel woman nodded when she heard that. Judice sat down on one of the cafe booths that sat by the window. While he was waiting for his order, his digital watch goes off.


He watches what is happening on Jevil's perspective, he's had this implemented so that Jevil can still be monitored while on the other side of the city.

A fight with Katrix, huh?

...He'll be fine in his own.

A plate with his bacon and eggs, and the container with his strawberry cheesecake are placed in front of him on the table. Judice thanks the woman before digging in, indulging in freshly made bacon and eggs is a sensory delight. The crispy, savory bacon imparts a satisfying crunch, while the eggs, whether scrambled, fried, or poached, offer a rich and creamy texture. The combination creates a harmonious blend of smoky, salty, and buttery flavors that tantalize the taste buds, leaving a comforting and hearty sensation. Just what he was craving!

As he was eating, he got an alert on his watch, notifying him of Jevil being in some kind of life threatening situation; displaying Jevil struggling to defend himself against not only Katrix, but also the number 3 hero, Asmocis.

Judice stands up, grabbing the container and stuffing it into his belt pouch, leaving forty-five quid on the counter before saying to the angel woman: "Sorry, I'd love to stay longer, but something came up."

The angel woman nodded, a look of understanding on her face.
"It's okay! I completely understand, feel free to come back anytime."

Judice nods before swinging his bag over his shoulder and making sure that his hood is secure over his head before rushing out of cafe doors and following the way the tracker on his watch leads him to.

As he runs... he feels a sudden numbness...

...but there was no time to be concerned on that, Jevil was the priority...


681 words in this chapter!! You probably have noticed that I don't always do these authors notes, but I do write them every now and again.

I'm not gonna lie right now...

I've been waiting for an update on this EMH fanfic I've been reading, whether we get an update or not, still gonna keep it in my reading list cause it's fun to read lol.

This chapter was actually pre-written in October, but I just never got round to actually writing the chapters at the time. I had to change some bits too because my writing has improved since then.

((I've got like around 40-ish A4 pages of notes and pre-written scenes... I was doing more pre-planning than actual school work))

But yeah, I hope YALL liked this chapter! ((Don't ask why this note is so long LMFAO))

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