What is Shifting?

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Okay, before I get into the brain-breaking theories and all of that, I'm going to give everyone a watered-down, generalized answer.

So basically, shifting is nothing super crazy when you think about it. You're literally just training your mind to perceive and be aware of a different reality. Now, there are some varying beliefs among shifters---don't quote me, but I'm pretty sure that some believe you're actually moving your consciousness to your body in a different universe, while others believe you're simply creating a new reality temporarily in your own head (but I haven't done much research on this yet so PLEASE do not take my word as fact here).

Shifting is not lucid dreaming, although you can shift via lucid dreams. The difference between lucid dreaming and shifting is that you can fully pass reality checks once you shift, and you will also have clear and defined memories of your DR (desired reality). You can also use all of your senses in your DR---you can taste, touch, smell, see and hear everything clearly. For some people, lucid dreaming and shifting might be very similar, but they still aren't exactly the same thing.

You can also completely control your DR through scripting. Now, once you actually shift, you can't control the DR unless you actually script that you can control reality or something like that. But the general gist is that you can write down anything you want to happen or be able to do in your DR and it will work exactly as you wrote. (This is kind of a bad explanation but I'll get into it in more depth in the 'Scripting' chapter.)

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