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So, scripting isn't necessary, but here's a few reasons why it's useful:

-Helps you to imagine and envision your DR and what to expect when you first shift there

-Gives you a sense of security and safety

-Can actually be really fun

-Scripts are used for a couple of methods (such as pillow)

Shifting is still safe no matter whether you script or don't, but there are at least a few things you should script if you're afraid of something bad happening in your DR. For example:

-I cannot die in my DR (don't be scared by this one! Even if you die in your DR, you'll just wake up again in your CR)

-I cannot bring back trauma from my DR

-I have a high pain tolerance

Et cetera.

If anyone wants, I can provide links to view my scripts for anyone who's interested. Mine tend to be extremely long and extensive (because I'm a perfectionist \(^U^)/) at least as far as rules go (they're actually pretty baren on the 'events' side of things).

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