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In this chapter we're covering the DR app/journal LIFA, not the CR version. 

LIFA is actually a very useful tool when shifting, as it can have many MANY uses. You can add as many features through scripting as you'd like, but here's some common ones.

(This chapter is app-oriented, but any of these features can be worked into LIFA in any form. I'll add chapters later for other forms of LIFA.)

(If I missed anything, please comment and let me know! As always drop your suggestions if you have any!)

Main Menu

This is a pretty obvious one, but I'm putting it here anyway! This is where all of your LIFA features will show up.


This feature allows you to add, alter, or remove any features of your LIFA.

Check In

This feature allows you to keep an eye on your clone and the situation in your CR. Some people script that they can give their clone orders via this feature (such as putting on a certain outfit or showering, etc). You can also include a clock for both your DR and your CR here.


You can read over and edit your scripts via this feature. Note that if you make changes to the script of your current DR, you'll have to shift to your WR, another DR, or your CR and then back in order for the changes to take effect.

Shifting / Realities

This feature allows you to shift at the click of a button. You can shift to a WR or alternate DR using it. 


This feature allows you to basically poof things into existence. You can write down or search for something you want, or visualize it, and use this feature lets you spawn it. You can set a specific time and location for the spawn or link this feature to a certain area for spawn (e.g., a special closet or cabinet, your room, etc.)

Appearance / DR Self

This feature allows you to alter your appearance whenever you want. You can change facial features, hair and eye color, body type, height, weight, makeup, hairstyle, anything you want to alter. You can also link this feature to a special mirror that will reflect your new appearance before you change it.


Basically your walk-in closet on your phone screen. You can use this feature to find any outfit you want, even based on certain aesthetics you choose. You can link this to Pinterest or any other platform you like looking for clothes on. Some people script in a physical wardrobe linked to this feature where outfits or items will spawn for you.

Room Design

This feature lets you customize your surroundings. You can make it so that when you point your camera at an object, other versions of the object will pop up for you to choose from to replace it. You can add a search option and link Pinterest if you want, and make this compatible with visualization. You can also add a clean-up option (because who wants to spend precious time tidying their room?).


This feature lets you view your current balance as well as withdraw or deposit any amount of money. You can link this feature to your wallet or bag so that the money will spawn automatically.

Food Delivery

This feature allows you to choose a restaurant and order off their menu or choose a specific type of food (Chinese, Mexican, pastries, savory dishes, etc.) and order from the options listed. You can then choose the time and location for the food to be delivered (if you have a driver, you can script that your driver will deliver it).


This feature allows you to select and summon a driver to take you wherever you want to go. You can either script out what your driver is like or have a list in your LIFA to choose from each time. You can customize things like driver appearance and car with this feature. Some good things to script for this are:

-My driver is always on time

-My driver is polite and likes me

-My driver and I get along

-My driver does not get road rage and never gets in accidents

-My driver does not get stuck in traffic

General things you should script for your LIFA:

-The LIFA app is compatible with and available on all my devices in all of my desired realities

-It cannot be deleted or modified by anyone other than myself

-Only I will be able to access the app (it's invisible to other people or onlookers or shows something commonplace like an article or video game)

-It never lags or crashes

-It does not need internet connection to work

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