Shifting Jargon

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The abbreviations and terms used by the shifting community differ slightly depending on what you're looking at but here's a collection of what they mean. If you know of any I'm missing please comment and let me know.

DR - Desired Reality

The reality to which you want to shift. You can have multiple DRs; a lot of people differentiate by adding a descriptive word in front (for example, 'Hogwarts DR' or 'Maze Runner DR').

CR/OR - Current Reality / Original Reality

This reality; can be thought of as your 'home' reality or 'root' reality; the reality you were born in, basically. 'CR' still refers to this reality even when you're in another reality.

WR - Waiting Room

Just to confuse you a little, the 'r' in this actually stands for room and not reality. Your waiting room is like a small pocket reality; it can be used as a bridge between multiple different realities and a place to meet others you're shifting with before going to your DR. Waiting rooms are not necessary, just a personal choice some people make. 


This one sounds a little scary, especially because there are a lot of varying beliefs and versions of what a clone really is. Some people believe you literally switch places with a person in your DR when you shift, and they take over here in your CR while you're gone. Actually, your clone is just you. When you shift, the part of your consciousness that remains aware of your CR kinda just goes on autopilot for you. Whatever you normally do in a day, your clone will do too. If you wouldn't do it, neither would your clone---because your clone is YOU.

Lifa Journal/App

An app and/or journal used to keep track of what's happening in your CR. This isn't necessary, but it's a nice touch, especially for those who don't want to miss anything. The app/journal will provide you with a play-by-play of events in your CR. You can also do various other things with the app, which I'll explain in more detail in a later chapter.
Also a real-life app which can be used to script. You should be able to find it in the app store.


Your script is like a set of rules for your DR. What you write in your script will apply to your DR. Scripting is the action of creating your script. Scripts are not required, but they're heavily recommended for a number of reasons.


I'm not 100% clear on this one, as I haven't tried shifting through lucid dreams (I've never even had lucid dreams), but I'm pretty sure a portal refers to a doorway to your DR created inside a lucid dream. It doesn't have to be a literal doorway, just an opening into your DR. You can create the portal or have a person in your dream create it for you.

(Please correct me if I got anything wrong there.)


Refers to a time where you shifted for less than 30 minutes or to a reality you didn't intend to shift to. This is especially common among those who are just getting the hang of shifting and nothing to fear; as far as I know, no one's ever mini-shifted to a scary reality or anything. You can also shift back just by saying your safeword.

Safeword / Safe Action

A word, phrase and/or action that allows you to instantly return to your CR.


Refers to the intention of shifting permanently to one's DR. Whether or not anyone's successfully done this, I can't tell you, as they wouldn't be around to tell us if they did. I would recommend shifting a few times back and forth before perma-shifting anywhere, or at least having a way to return to your CR, just in case.


Phrases used to affirm to yourself that you will shift (e.g. "I am shifting", "I can shift", "I will shift", "Shifting is easy", and so on). These are used mostly to boost motivation, confidence, and to convince your subconscious that you can and will shift, which will in turn enable you to shift. Not everyone uses affirmations, but I personally find them somewhat helpful.

Subliminals / Subs

Audio used to help speed along or ease the process of shifting. Subliminals usually include theta or alpha waves, subliminal affirmations (hence the name 'subliminals'), and some kind of music or ambience. I'll do a chapter on some that I recommend later.


Methods used to help speed along or ease the process of shifting. Using a premade method isn't necessary, but a lot of people recommend it (including myself). Using a method when you're first starting out is a good idea, and you can try different ones and mix them up until you create something that works well for you.

Void / Void State

This one was a bit confusing to me at first, but the void state is essentially a state where your body is asleep but your mind is awake. Your five senses will shut off but your mind will remain aware. Many people use this state for shifting and for manifesting.

UR - Unintended Reality (unofficial term)

This one isn't actually widely used. I created this one after hearing about mini-shifting, since sometimes you might accidentally shift unintentionally and to a reality that isn't exactly your DR. If this term sticks, my mind will be blown.

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