Script Template

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I made a general template for anyone who needs it, plus some suggestions on things to script. This chapter is pretty long with the suggestions, so be prepared if you want to read it all. I also may update this every once in a while.




Safeword / safe action



Sex & gender


Abilities, powers, magic

Physical abilities and attributes




Living space





Safeword: Works mentally or aloud, intention to shift back has to be there. Alternatively if I consciously choose to shift back I'll automatically return to my CR.

Rules: I am invulnerable as in I cannot die or be seriously harmed at all ever. I can sustain wounds and injuries, but nothing serious. I also can't be put in comas. My pain tolerance is higher than the sun and I can work around pain. I can't be traumatized. I can't get paralyzed. I heal thrice as fast as normal people. I can wear whatever I want and be comfortable in it. I never get too hot or cold. My hair never gets messy, greasy, tangled, dirty, or caught on anything. I always smell like ---. I do not sweat. I never need to shower or brush my teeth or hair. My clothes do not get wrinkled/creased or caught on things, nor do they trip me up or get in my way. I can change clothes/hairstyles at will. I never get a bad taste in my mouth and my breath is always fresh and minty. My teeth and gums stay clean on their own. My lips and skin are always soft and never chapped or dry. I'm extremely flexible and athletic with very high stamina. I can hold my breath for ---. Whenever someone tries to read my mind, all they hear is --- on repeat. Truth serums do not affect me. Blood and gore do not bother me. I do not get dysphoric or insecure of my body and appearance. I always get a good night's rest. I do not have nightmares. I cannot get sick or ill in any way. My mental health is always great, and so is my physical and emotional health. I do not get sore. I am extremely good at dodging and deflecting attacks. I have snappy and witty comebacks at the ready at all times. People understand my sense of humor. I'm immune to damage by fire (burns, overheating, etc) and so are my clothes. I can start and carry conversations with ease and be comfortable doing so. I do not get awkward or uncomfortable in any way around unfamiliar people (unless I just dislike them). I am immune to poison. I do not get itchy/rashy or irritated skin ever. I have a money pouch that is always full to the brim with whatever type of currency I require, and it will automatically dump out the amount I need into my palm. I always speak clearly and don't have trouble expressing my thoughts. I do not choke up when I'm emotional, and my voice stays steady and strong. I have no allergies. I cannot get addicted to anything. My eyes are extremely sharp and I do not need glasses. I cannot be blinded and my eyes can't be hurt/irritated ever. I can run very fast. I have beautiful handwriting. I'm a fast learner. I'm always hydrated. I'm good at public speaking and don't get nervous/sound stupid. I have unbelievable hand-eye coordination and can catch things based on the sound of them approaching. All five of my senses are very sharp (but I can weaken them at will). I share memories with my clone. I have a LIFA journal/app that only I can read. I don't produce waste. I have very good posture at all times. I'm very skilled at all of my hobbies. I never lose things. I'm good at flirting and teasing. I know my way around. I can get along with just about anyone. I am a top-notch liar. All clothes I want to wear will fit me. My clothes are never itchy or uncomfortable in ANY way. I only have hair on my head and eyebrows. I am not a picky eater and like almost every dish available. I know how to cook all dishes perfectly and with complete ease. I can't be forced out of my DR. I am great at singing. My voice never cracks (unless from emotion). I can make my voice as high or deep as I want. I'm very good at voice impressions. I don't run out of breath while speaking or singing/playing wind instruments. I know how to play all instruments with ease. I am a talented fighter (martial arts, swordplay, dodging, etc). I won't get too attached to my DR. I have awesome balance and unbelievable control over my body, strength, and movement. I can tell when people are lying to me. I know how to drive. If I sleep in my DR, I will wake up still in my DR unless I choose to shift back to my CR. I work well under pressure and stress. I have good motivation and work ethic and am not lazy. I don't gain or lose weight or muscle. Music will always start playing when I want to sing and can't play an instrument simultaneously. I can read lips. I have good survival skills. I always know what time it is (both in my DR and in my CR). I have knife-throwing skills and perfect aim (with knives and bows/guns and stuff). My shoes always fit perfectly and comfortably. If I need something I don't have, I can write it down in my LIFA journal/app and enter my house and it will be there inside my room. My house is always clean (dishes and trash clean up automatically). I can read fast. I have photographic memory. I never get caught when I'm sneaking around. I know all lyrics to a song the second it starts playing. Things never get in my eyes. Bugs don't bother me. I have unbeatable logic and easily win most arguments. My glare gives people chills. When I shift back from my DR, I will be rested and have little to no trouble readjusting. Chores and jobs are enjoyable. I'm extremely attractive and photogenic. My body functions normally. I never get my period/get pregnant. My nose is never clogged and never gets boogers. I think outside the box. I have extremely fast reflexes. I can wear heels without my feet hurting and I can walk and run in them no problem. I have a powerful walk. I pronounce everyone's names correctly. I don't fart/burp. Mosquitos and gnats don't exist. When I cuddle with someone, it's always comfy, even if I can't move. My pillow is always cold on both sides. Tight hairstyles do not give me headaches/hurt my scalp. My pain tolerance rises to accommodate great pain. My house has electricity, Wi-Fi, modern tech, and indoor plumbing (plus water heating, A/C and heating). I'm very good at kissing and related things.

I have a pet named ---. --- is very well-behaved and smart. --- can only die of old age and can't get injured. --- will follow me and appear when needed. --- fends for itself when hungry and thirsty. --- is exceptionally well-trained and will obey my commands.

If you have any to add, please comment!

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