The Raven Method

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Probably the most popular shifting method and highly recommended for beginners. I have tried this one a handful of times and it seems to work pretty well! I definitely got some symptoms.

Keep in mind that you don't need to follow methods to the T; just do what feels comfortable and natural. You can move if you need to or lay in a different position or whatever.

Let's begin!

First, make sure you're relaxed and sleepy (but not too much so! You should still be able to focus). Lay on your back in starfish position (just make sure your limbs don't touch). Once you're comfortable and relaxed, begin counting up from one, saying affirmations between numbers, until you reach one hundred. If you're still awake, you can either visualize your DR and continue counting/repeating affirmations, or you can simply start over with your counting. Repeat this until you fall asleep, and you should wake up in your DR.

You also might end up shifting mid-count? I'm not sure but I think it's possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2023 ⏰

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