Chapter 9

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Hi lovelies 💕

For some reasons I made this chapter longer than the others ☺️ So enjoy 💃🕺


Meanwhile In an abandoned warehouse a man who looked almost lifeless was tied upside down with a chain. Blood was dripping from his body and he was struggling to breath.

The door of the warehouse was opened and the devil himself walked in dressed in an all black suit. Beside him was one of his friend.

You could feel the Aura he carries just by him passing by. His grey eyes were so cold and his face carries no expression.

He walked to the almost dead man and one of his men brought chairs for them to sit but they refused.

        "We have better things to do. We'll just make things quick so that this dude can rest for good." Adrian said

        "Peter you've worked with me for over three years now and all of a sudden you decided to betray me, not thinking of what it will cost you." Ayden said coldly

         "I'm sorry boss please forgive me." Peter pleaded

          "Forgive? You know to well that the word Forgive does not exist in my world." Ayden said

*Few hours earlier*

Ayden was going through some documents went he heard a knock on his office door.

         "Come in." Ayden said and his PA walked in

         "Boss there is a problem." Ryan said worriedly

          "Ryan go straight to the point." Ayden said

           "Your shipment were hijacked by Ace's men." Ryan said and Ayden expression darkened immediately.

Ace was another dangerous mafia leader but he can't be compared to Ayden. He has done so many things to bring Ayden down but all his plans were to no avail.

He is far older than Ayden and that's the main reason why he wants to be at the top in the underworld because he feels that he can't be working under a small boy.

Ayden's father was the former leader of the underworld but he stepped down when he was already getting old.

When he announced that he was stepping down, the only person who wanted that sit was Ace. Everyone knew that he had a son and if anyone is to take over, it will be his son.

Ayden do go with his Dad to every meeting concerning the underworld because he knew he was the next leader After his father.

Ayden was never interested in the underworld and he knows that that if he doesn't take over, the position will be given to someone else and he was very sure that his Dad was going to appoint Ace because his Dad likes the dude.

Ayden never liked Ace because he believes he was a wolf in sheep's clothing and if Ace is to take over it will only be for his selfish reasons. When Ayden knew of his bad intention he told his father that he will take over and he was just 18 years old.

That made Ace to form  his own organisation and he was able talk some other people into following him to make his organisation stand and till date what he want is to bring Ayden down.

            "How did they know about it?" Ayden asked

            "I think information got to their hearing." Ryan said

            "Ryan you got just 30 minutes. Find out who leaked the information." Ayden said

            "Okay sir." Ryan said and left the office quickly.

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