Chapter 1

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Today was the day I've been waiting for since forever, Conscription day for the deathly Basgiath War College.

Today was the day I cross the parapet and enter the quadrant to hopefully become a dragon rider. Though even if I would want to go into a different quadrant, that wouldn't matter. Since the end of the rebellion, led by one Fen Riorson, father of my brothers best friend Xaden, all of the kids of the participants in the rebellion, or as others call us, the " marked ones ", are all forced into the deadliest quadrant of the college once we are or age.

All of our masks very in side and location, based on where we were blasted with the fire of General Melgrens dragon, Codagh. Mine is mostly concealed, imprinted on my back and a bit down my shoulder, though others are not, like my brothers or Xadens. I know that others think of us differently because of them, avoid us even, but I don't care, it's not like I am ashamed of it. People can think whatever they want to about me, all that matters is what I think.

I slungy packed rucksack over my shoulder, hurrying out of the doors of the place I've lived at since forever, the orphanage. I hopped in the worn down wagon that would be bringing us all from the orphanages we are at, to the college. I was the first one inside the wagon, keeping my rucksack on the floor by my feet as the group heads off to the next place.

" Alyona?" The masculine voice said, causing me to turn my head towards him.

" Liam? Hi " I said , moving over a bit for him to sit next to me, a hint of a smile on my face

" Hey! " Liam said with his cheerful voice, a smile spread across his face.

Liam has been in a foster home with my brother and Xaden for a while, and was transferred over to where I was for a bit. We had become friends, and he would tell me about how my brother was doing, which brought me a ton of joy. He has always been one of the sweetest people I've known, and one of the only ones that had been able to put a smile on my face after my parents death. He was like another brother to me, especially when Garrick left for the quadrant 3 years ago.

" You ready?" I asked, bracing myself as we went over a bump.

" Yeah, you?" He asked, looking me in the eyes, not asking about if I was ready for the parapet.

" I think so " I said, knowing exactly what he was asking.

We sat there in silence for the rest of the ride before we reached the college, the crowd of 20 year olds all saying goodbye to their families before going into their chosen quadrant to take the entry test and hopefully get in. Liam squeezed my hand for a second before we both made our way to the entrance of the rider quadrant. While others walked straight into their quadrant's, us riders climbed the 250 stairs to the parapet.

We were one of the first people to arrive at the parapet, Liam in front of me, while some guy with dark brown short curly hair, standing at about a few inches taller than me stood behind me. I soon saw the people responsible for the role before the parapet to see if we make it.

Standing at the edge, right before the start of the parapet is Xaden Riorson. Liam seemed to of saw him too, as I could see a small hint of a smile on his face as we headed closer.

" Name?" The one said to me, trying to keep the roll from getting wet against the start of the storm forming above us.

" Alyona Tavis "

Everyones eyes quickly came on me once they heard the name. I just continued down the line, watching as Liam started off on the parapet. " See you on the other side " He shouted, walking off, arms out for balance.

I did a small nod, keeping my face masked from showing any emotion, something that I have been able to do since I was little. Xaden waited, not speaking a word to me, keeping his one eye focused on Liam as he got to the halfway point flawlessly before turning back to me. " Good luck " he said, eyes going on the next person in line as I stepped on to what many considered a death trap.

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