Chapter 9

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I was currently sitting in Carrs class, bored out of my mind. I had a check in with Nolan later today so that hopefully I would be cleared to be able to get back to one of my favorite things, flying.

Today marked day 5 of my healing journey, and from what I could tell I was fine. My concussion was all cleared up and healed by day 1 ish, and I have been taking it pretty easy over the past few days. Though that didn't mean I followed every rule.

The last few days consisted of going to my classes, having lunch, a workout maybe, and just basically relaxing for the rest of the time. It was a bit nice being able to relax, but also so fucking boring. I had already gotten pretty good at lesser magic, and could easily form a fairly big mage light. Later I had some training with Xaden after my appointment in the healers quadrants infirmary.

I finished up class, heading out towards the hallway that leads to the infirmary. The faster I got this over with, the faster I could get to maybe getting a quick flight before my session with Xaden.

" Hey Nolan, let's get this over with " I said once I got into the room, heading over to an open cot, Nolan following.

" Nice to see you too " He said, starting on checking over my arm. " Let's see if this is the last time I will be seeing you "

" It feels fine, no pain, I can move it all the way around with no pain. Time for you to clear me so I can get on with my day. "

" Eager aren't we Mrs. Tavis " He said, chuckling a bit as he finished his assessment. " Lucky for you everything looks fine, so you are now cleared and can go back to everything. Though I would appreciate it if you still keep it easy for the next few days. "

" Great " I said, hoping off of the cot, speed walking towards the door. " So long Nolan, see you around "

" I really hope you're kidding " Nolan shouted back, heading off his own way.

' All clear! Meet you at the field '

' On our way '

I practically ran to the field, ready to get back in the sky after so long. I was already in flight leathers and Once I reached the top, I had to wait a few more minutes for Pro and Rih to actually land in front of me.

' What took you so long? '

' Says the one who literally ran here. '

' Whatever '

I ran up Pro's leg, navigating across his back towards the pommel and taking my seat. We shot up into the sky, the wind rushing across my face, pushing my hair back as we assended into the sky. I loved it all, being in the sky, nothing but me and my dragons soaring through the wind, and overall just being with my dragons.

' I've missed you two '

' We've missed you CÃ '

We went through a few maneuvers, warming up before we could get to the more fun things like the switch or a barrel roll. Pro evened out, gliding along the edge of the ridge line. I stood up, holding my arms out for stability as I walked forward onto his shoulder, checking to make sure Rih was in position before I continued. I locked my eyes onto Rih's back where I wanted to land, jumping off Pro's shoulder, flipping in the air to slow before landing onto Rih's back.

' Could use some more workz but not bad '

' I would say it's great given you haven't practiced the move for a second. You will never fail to impress me though '

' Thanks Pro, thank you Rih for always believing in me '

' Of course '

We flew around for a bit longer, taking in the gorgeous view that the forest of the vale made before turning back towards the field to land. We did our normal landing procedure, pro landing first before me and Rih did. I laid back on Rih, not wanting to get off and start working with Xaden's annoying ass.

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