Chapter 8

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Alyona's POV

" So I can't do anything basically " I argued laying back onto the cot as Nolan told me to do, though I didn't do it without a bit of a fight.

I knew better than to completely ignore some instructions from Nolan, as he is a part of the people who are actively trying to keep everyone as alive as possible, especially with the arrogance of the people in the riders quadrant. Let's just say we aren't the most compliant individuals, and there's a reason we have the least amount of rules opposed to the other quadrants of Basgiath. Even with the small amount of them, we still don't follow them well. Having fire breathing dragons who won't hesitate to reduce people to ash helps too.

" No, you can still do a few things, just no sparring or flying. You need to take it easy for the next 2 weeks, or until we completely clear you, as we've said before. " Nolan said, changing the bandage covering my arm. " Would it kill you to be a little bit more compliant, we are trying to help you get better. You do know that right?"

There on my arm was a huge scar going from around my wrist to almost my shoulder, my skin being held together by many stitches in some places.

I didn't mind having a visible scar, though that also meant people were going to ask about it, I did mind that. I'm not ashamed of trying to protect myself from the assholes who attacked me. I expected for people to try and kill me in this death palace, it comes with the territory, but that doesn't mean I would like to talk about it.

" It looks pretty good " Nolan said, moving my arm a bit to get a full look at it.

I balled my hand into a fist, digging my nails into the skin to distract my brain from the pain in my arm as he moved it, and to keep my other hand busy from punching him in the face or electrocute him. He rewrapped it with a fresh bandage, walking off and throwing the old one away, promising that he'll see me later.

" Can't wait " I said sarcastically, adjusting my position.

Once I was sure that I was out of their sight, I sat up, dangling my legs over the side of the cot, and hopped off. I made my way towards the door, ignoring the pain and dizziness that was brought from my concussion.

' And what do you think you're doing CÃ '

' Leaving, it's boring here and I need to move '

' Good luck with that. ' he grumbled through the bond, hurting my head a bit.

I focused on the steps in front of me, in the process blocking Pro out somehow. I made it almost out the door before I hit something, or should I say someone.

" What do you think you're doing Tavis " Xaden said, his voice filled with anger.

' No warning? Seriously '

' Chicken wings coming '

' Thanks so much ' I shot through the bond, sarcasm coating my voice.

I rolled my eyes, looking up at him. " I'm fine. Now please move. "

" C'mon back to bed, let's go. " He said, putting his hand on the small of my back.

" Asshole " I grumbled, walking back into the infirmary.

" You do know I'm still your Wingleader and I can punish you for that little escape attempt. "

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