Chapter 5

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TW: Violence, Blood, Knifes, ECT. Please read at your own risk.

I had just gotten out of battle brief, today we were talking about another attack by Griffin riders that had occured last night. They have been happening more frequently, which worries me a bit. From the little that I knew of the Griffin riders, or fliers, I believed that they wouldn't do this unless there was an absolute need for it. Xaden seemed to share these beliefs, and so did a select few of the marked ones.

" Speedy, wait up " Ridoc said, running after me to catch up.

" What's up Firecracker? " I asked once he caught up to me, slowing my pace a bit to match his.

" Just wanted to walk with you " He said smiling. That smile.

" Ok "

We walked for a bit in comfortable silence, just walking the halls of Basgiath. We soon got to the dorms, walking down the hall of doors. Ridoc opened his, turning towards me, asking if I wanted to come in.

" I've got to get a few things done, sorry My Firecracker, though thank you for offering. " I responded, smiling at him before heading towards my room to grab my things before I headed to the bathing chamber.

I took a quick, warm shower, my tense muscles relaxing a bit. Riding a dragon definitely brought some soreness, though I wouldn't trade it for the world. There was no other feeling like flying high above everyone else, the air flying past your face. Just you and your dragon, soaring through the sky, nothing to cloud your mind. Just being free.

I quickly dried and changed into some flight leathers, in case I decided to ride later. I left my hair in the towel, heading back to my room. I braided my dark brown curly hair into two French braids, ending near the nape of my neck.

I walked off, heading towards the gym to watch whatever was going on. Imogen was currently training with Violet on the weight machines, so I took a seat, Imogen seeing me, giving a quick nod before bringing her focus back on Violet who was currently breathing heavily.

" 5 more reps " Imogen said, leaning against the wall, looking between me and Violet. Violet did as told, strained for breath after she finished. " I'll go grab some water "

" Hey " Violet said, sitting down on the bench.

" Hi " I said blatantly, adjusting my seat. " She's trying to strengthen your legs?"

" Yea, well my whole body. I think Xaden ordered it, as well as the body guard. Don't get me wrong, I love Liam, but he can be a bit.." She started, trying to find the words.

" Much? Yea he can be sometimes " I responded, rolling out my wrists and neck.

" It's like they owe him their lives or something. "

I stayed silent at that comment, Imogen coming back with two skins, Liam following behind.

" Rider " Imogen said, handing the skin to Violet, who was now grabbing her things and leaving with Liam. Imogen turned to me. " I'll see you later Aly "

" See ya Gen " I said, glaring at her for the nickname.

There was nothing else to do today class wise, so a lot of people were sparring in the gym, catching up on school work, or just hanging out with their friends. I grabbed my water, heading back towards my room to finish up on some work. The whole squad outside my door.

" What can I do for you?" I asked, approaching my door.

" Just wondering if you would like to study with us maybe " Sawyer said, looking around at the whole group as he said it. " Thought you were in your room "

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