Chapter 2

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We were all in formation, the death roll from Conscription day being read aloud. Everyone is in their rider black uniforms, a four point star shown on my shoulder showing my rank as a first year. The cuts on our uniforms are based on the person's comfort, riders don't really do anything with the whole conformity idea, that's for the infantry.

We were somewhere in the 50's by now, a lot of the cadets around me in some form of disarray, though some are trying to mask it terribly. My face stays blank, listening through the names as they are read. This is all they will get, once the death roll is done there is no formal conclusion, and we get straight into getting instructions from our section leader, Dain.

Dude was an ass, and obviously wanted Violet out of this quadrant, and he was starting to get on my nerves, which isn't easy.

" At least one of you should have memorized your schedules. I expect you all to still be alive for sparing this afternoon. " He said, the second and third years walking off towards their classes. Sawyer, a repeat in our squad, was put in charge of telling us where to go.

We all grabbed our bags from the bunks, heading into our first class. Somehow I end up being in every single class as Violet and her friends. Once classes are finished up, next up is Battle brief, the class where we talk about what is happening around us, also the only class we have everyday with every single member of the quadrant. We all don't fit, some of the third years standing at the back of the class against the wall. I sit down next to Ridoc, and Violet next to me, followed by Rhiannon and the rest of the squad.

" Welcome to your first battle brief. In the past riders have been called into service before graduation. And if they were, they were always third years who spent time shadowing forward wings, but we expect you to graduate with the full knowledge of what we're up against. It's not just about knowing where every wing is stationed either." Every first year is paying close attention, as they should be. " First topic of the day. The eastern wing experienced an attack last night near the village of Shakere by a drift of Griffins and their riders. Of course some of the information is redacted due to security reasons. "

' Naturally ' I thought to myself, taking a few notes on my parchment in front of me.

" but what we can tell you is that the wards have faultered along the top of the Espen mountains. Allowing the drift not only to enter Narrarian territory but down for the riders to chanel and wild some time around midnight." The professor goes on about the details of the attack that can be shared before opening it up to questions from the first years before the others.

I write down the important questions, leaving the stupid ones to leave my brain. The class goes on for another hour, and once it's finally done I walk out, noting the eyes on me as I do. I grab lunch, sitting with my squad and observing the area. I half listen to their conversations, ready for sparring later.

" What about you? " Rhiannon asking, all their eyes turning towards me. " What?" I asked, my eyes moving around, scanning the large area.

" You ready for sparring?" Violet asks.

" Yea " I answered blankly, finishing up the last of my food before going to throw away my trash.

I watched the mat, keeping track of everyone's moves while I waited to be called for assessment by Emmerrterio, the sparring instructor. " Quincy and Alyona " he called out, both of us taking our places on the mat. " No killing each other, were just assessing " he said, backing up from the mat.

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