Chapter 3

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I woke up bright and early, heading to the gym to get a workout in before I had to get ready for Presentation today, the late November air coming in through the open window as I set up and began. I worked out for an hour maybe before heading off to get clean and change for Presentation.

I decided to skip breakfast, not really feeling all that social right now, so instead I roamed the halls. In two days time I would either be a rider, or dead. Which meant if I survived I would get a private room, and be able to wake up as early as I wanted.

Morning formation started soon, a swarm of first, second, and third years coming out from the cafeteria and lineing up in formation like every morning since I arrived at this place. Xaden stood in front of us, scanning each of the first years before speaking. " Congrats first years, you've made it this far. Second and third years please report to your classes unless you're helping at presentation. Good luck first years, don't get burned. " He said, everyone moving around to where they are supposed to be.

Our squad made our way up to the presentation field, Dain not making eye contact with Violet. I was in between Tynan and Ridoc, Sawyer was in front of Tynan.

" It's recommended you stay 7 feet apart, as the dragons won't care about if we were in the path of fire if they choose to incinerate you " My brother states, standing at the entrance to the field. " Talk. It will help the dragons get to know your personality, there has been a link to bonding and talking. Good luck, have a nice stroll"

We head out, the late September wind hitting me straight in the face with it's coldness, though I don't mind. Violet and Rhiannon are talking about what she wants her cousin to be as we walk, the humongous dragons scanning over us as we pass. I can't help but admire them as I walk, though I don't look into their eyes, I will never make that mistake. I've seen the consequences.

" So Ridoc you got any siblings?" I ask, listening to the advice of my brother.

" Yea, a younger sister! What about you Speedy?"

" Other than Garrick? Sawyer what about you?? "

" Nope " He yells towards me.

A pair of greens catches my eye, their scales glistening in the early sunlight. We had made a fair bit of distance across, now being about half way done.

" Would you all shut up? I'm trying to figure out what dragon to choose." Tynan states, scanning the dragons.

" You don't get to choose their Tynan" Sawyer says, moving along.

" Hey Alyona, what's it like being Garrick's sister?" Violet asked.

I turned to face her, walking backwards now. " It's fine "

We stayed quiet for a while before luka started to go about how he heard chatter that there was a feathertail. " It's probably just curious, feathertails don't bond, now stop spreading rumors" I said, keeping my eyes forward. We were near the end now, and so far nobody has been incinerated from our squad. I soon say the feathertail, it's golden scales being like a prism as it reflected the light. ' Beautiful ' I thought, walking off the field.

" You guys wanna go again? " Rhiannon asked.

" We could, or we couldn't whatever you guys want to do" Pryor said, being indecisive again.

" Pryor just choose something for once in your life. Let's go again " Luca adds, all of us headed off, the whole squad being less tense this time around.

" Well that was boring, hey Violet, that golden one is perfect for you, small and golden, you fit." Tynan remarks.

" Are you dumb? Why would you say that infront of them. They can literally incinerate you to the ground." Rhiannon adds, and just like that a dragon steps out of line, the smell of sulfur fresh in the air.

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