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He was a big guy. Like a really big guy!

He lifted guns that I found heavy like they were feathers!

And I could forget about being his weight lifting buddie; he lifts triple my weight.

But in his own little way he's charming, and sweet.

My heart melts at the sight of just a bug teddy bear fiddling with a pack of crackers or the ends of his mask. He was so.. Cute.

Course I'd never tell my colonel that, he might look at me as though I'd just said the dumbest thing on the planet, then send a bullet through my brain to knock some sence into me and my life out of me.

Okay maybe not so sweet.

But I guess that's not the point.

Someone took his spot today and he wasn't there, so I just plopped down next to my team mate in my usual spot taking the pen and the notebook given to us, incase we wanted to take notes.

I always did. I loved taking notes.. But I also liked asking Konig questions on things I didn't understand. Because well, he was always right at the end of the day.

But I guess almost three decades in the military will get you that.. Even if your a criminal.

Konig never ceased to not catch my attention, he'd make my pussy throb in all the right ways, and places.

I often grinded into a vibrator at night. Especially when we had a decent conversation that day.

His voice played in my head, I loved his voice.

I wasn't deep or brain rattling, like what most girls liked. His voice was like velvet and slightly on the higher side, and his faint but still there Austrian accent.

Oh sweet Jesus.

But for now, I was stuck sitting at a table and asking questions I suddenly felt stupid for asking.

When I asked Konig, he always turned his head to me and lower it. And always give a clear and beautiful answer to it.

But this guy. He didn't turn to hear my better, or get to my height level, no I had to listen to his answer and only pray it was correct.

Why hadn't I just waited till Konig came in to sit down?

I held my breath as felt my whole body tingle when he made eye contact with me.

He was so adorable.

The his eyes squinted slightly, and you could tell he was smiling. Or when he'd sometimes forget he had his hood on and out his snack or drink to his lips, and then play it off as if it was intentional.

But other than occasionally being scared of the big teddy bear, he was well amazing. He almost always spoke his mind and never seized to ask a question when he didn't full understand something.

He helped me when I couldn't quite get my barrel taken apart and he sat down for up to an hour helping me clean, reload and shoot a couple rounds.

I'd like to think his heart isn't as stone tough as people say it is. He just needs a little soft love and care.

I didn't know much about what he was like before I got here but I do know that he didn't have the best home life. And came here to escape it.

I was the opposite of him. I had loving parents. Both of my parents as well.

Though I did favor my mom over my dad. I felt like we just connected much better than me and my dad.

Any who, I sat munching away on a piece of candy, while I went over my report for Konig, double checking to make sure I spelled everything right, had the best details..


I liked being perfect for him, I was very much so seeking his approval.

And sometimes his just full attention. Which I knew I had most of the time.

I was feeling frisky.. And slightly drunken with the three shots in me.

So I was leading on a teammate, guiding him right to my room.

Teasing him the whole way, rubbing my ass, pressing my boobs together. God I looked like a whore, but I was horny, needy and just a tad greedy.

Don't ever seduce someone you know will follow you back to bed. Because that's exactly what he did. Followed me right into my bed.

Slipping inside me.

It hurt and soon I was sober and regretting telling him I was virgin.

Blood was covering my blankets, as he pumped in and out of me. Letting out fake moans trying to get him off faster and not displease him.

Gripping my sheets in pain, as tears rolled down my damp cheeks. My nipples burned in pain, and my vagina was even worse.

It hurt so much, I thought I was dying.

That's when my big ass colonel barged in, fuming as he started to shout at us.

I was so embarrassed and angry, I shook and cried as I covered my body away from him.

"Y/n...my office now.." He seethed, shoving the other male off me into the floor. Then tossing my panties at me.

Shaking his head he huffed and walked off, as the other guy got dressed in three seconds and dashed out my door slamming it behind him.

No, no...

I was in so much trouble, it made me quiver.

I slowly slipped on my panties, then my shirt and a pair of sweat pants. No longer caring and just putting on slippers and walking off to his office.


𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙒𝙤𝙡𝙛 𝘼𝙣𝙙 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝘽𝙪𝙣𝙣𝙮 °Konig x F! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now