Chapter 3

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Somewhere in the middle of the ride, I lost my consciousness and when I woke up, I was at Vic's place, who analysed my brain with a worried look.

V: Vic?

Vic: V! You're finally awake, thank God, I thought I lost you.

V: How did I get here?

Vic: You don't remember?

V: No, not at all...

Vic: What's the last thing you remember?

V: I was sitting in a car, making my way to your place, while a voice in my head kept talking to me...then, everything became black and I woke up right here.

Vic: Okay...this is not good at all.

V: How bad is it, Doc?

Vic: V, look, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, it's bad, really bad.

V: This bad?

Vic: Even worse. The chip in your brain is stopping the bleeding, so we can't remove it, the problem now is, that the chip won't be able to function for too long, since it's broken.

V: Since the chip is attached to my brain and my nervous put it short, if the chip dies, so do I?

Vic: Yes, you got it.

V: There's gotta be a way to...I don't know, change it for a new chip or something, right?

Vic: First we'd have to find a new chip, which isn't easy because these types of chips are only in the hands of Arasaka.

V: They'll kill me on sight after what happened today.

Vic: Yeah, but that might be your best shot. I know how dumb that sounds, but what else can we do?

V: I...I just wanna rest for a while, I'm not ready to make plans already.

Vic: Misty is gonna bring you to your room in a second, there's just one thing I have to tell you before you go.

V: Yeah?

Vic: This chip, it's not empty as you noticed. The voice in your head? That's Y/N Silverhand.

V: What? That's impossible.

Vic: It is.

V: But...he got shot into pieces by Smasher, decades ago.

Vic: That's correct, but Arasaka managed to capture his consciousness and mind, they locked it up inside this chip, essentially making him their prisoner even after death.

V: How can they be so cruel...

Vic: Silverhand wasn't really a nice guy either.

V: Maybe but no one deserves this.

Vic: I don't know if anyone deserves it or not, but you definitely do not, this is why I'm giving you these two.

He put two little containers on the surgery table, a blue one and a red one.

Vic: Two containers full of pills. The blue one contains Omega Blockers, they'll push Silverhand into the back of your mind and will keep him there for as long as they can. Slowing down the process of him taking over your body.

V: He can take over my fucking body?

Vic: Yeah, that's how you showed up here, without him you'd have crashed somewhere in the Badlands.

V: Now, what's in the red container?

Vic: Pseudoendotrizine, they will speed up the process and allow Silverhand to take over your body faster. "Free the demon", so to speak.

V: And why the fuck would I take them? I'm trying to survive here, Vic.

Vic: You won't die when Silverhand takes over your body, it will just feel like a skip in time.

V: You can keep the red ones, I won't be taking them.

Vic: You should take them to your room, you never know what you might choose later on.

V: He's gonna take over my body anyway, right? So I might as well enjoy the time where I'm the one in control over my body.

Vic: It's not unlikely that you might find yourself in situations where Silverhand's skills will come in handy.

V: I will not let this undead rockstar take over my body, period.

I said before standing up and leaving the room.

V: I'll take a nap now, thank you Vic. I appreciate that. 

Vic: Just...just stay safe, V.

After a little chat with Misty, I entered the room and locked the door behind me before putting both pill containers on the little table near my bed.

"What're staring at them for?"

A familiar voice asked from behind me.

I looked back and saw Silverhand standing with his arms crossed and his back leaned on the wall.

V: Here already? Couldn't wait a few more minutes so I could go to sleep without having to hear your annoying voice again?

"You're seriously bitching around, not even two hours after I saved your life.?"

This brought a chuckle out of me.

V: Oh please, you don't give a shit about me or anyone else, you only care about yourself. I've read more than enough about you, Silverhand. So stop trying to act like you did it for me, because we both know that you only did it for yourself.

"That's true, but it doesn't change the fact that I also saved your life in the process."

V: My life's not worth saving anymore. I don't even have full control over my body anymore.

"Maybe it's not worth it for you, but it sure as hell is for me, so you'll take great care and do everything I say, got it?"

V: Go fuck yourself, you failed Rockstar. It's my body and I can do whatever the fuck I want.

"Your brain is slowly getting eaten by the chip that will break down in God knows when. You don't have much time, V. We can either work together and reach our common goal, or I can just take over your body and do it myself without letting you have a say in all of this."

V: You can't take over me, not yet.

"If I use the red pills, then I can."

V: Yeah? Then look at this.

I picked up the red container from the table but was immediately pushed to the ground by Silverhand, who also snatched the red container out of my hand.

V: How can you do that?

"I'm more powerful than you think, girl. I'm not just some ghost who can't defend himself."

V: What are you gonna do now, huh? Force me to take your fucking pills?

"Nah, I'm gonna keep them with me for now. Use the blue ones if you want to, try to escape reality and hide from the truth, I won't stop you, but these will stay with me."

He explained, examining the container.

V: Fuck off and let me sleep.

I demanded with a groan as I climbed onto the bed and almost immediately dozed off.

"Sure, recharge your batteries, you'll need them."

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