Chapter 7

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The blue pills are gone, and Y/N obviously won't allow me to end myself, so I submitted and hoped for a quick end.

I let him control my body for quite some time, I don't even know for how long.

We ended up finding Oda again, who told me he had pity for the current state that I was in.

Oda: Every mercenary turns into a puppet for someone in Night City sooner or later. I'm not surprised that it happened to you too, although I thought it would end differently.

"No need for pity, pity yourself for what's gonna happen with you now."

Y/N said using my voice.

Oda: Hm, alright. Let's see if you've gotten better or if this is all just fancy decoration.

He said before activating his blades and dashing towards me to attack.

Just before the tip of his blade touched me, time froze as I moved aside and used one of my own blades to slice through his neck, decapitating him and letting him fall to the ground as time went back to normal.

V: did you do that?

Y/N: I installed a Sandevistan system into your head.

V: What?!

Y/N: Don't be surprised, it's the only thing that can give us an even playground against Smasher, although that probably won't even be enough...

V: You fumbled with my brain while I was gone?

Y/N: And you should thank me for that.

V: Thankful for what? For being your hostage?

Y/N: Thankful for me helping you get revenge on Arasaka.

V: I wanted revenge on them but not like this. This is harming me more than it harms Arasaka or anyone else.

Y/N: Look, let's get this straight once and for all. You're gonna die very soon, and by "you", I mean us. If you want to just hang around and let the time pass, go ahead, do that, achieve nothing at all and die as a nobody.

V: You think killing Smasher and Takemura will help me now? Make the wait easier?

Y/N: If we take these two down, then we have free access into the Arasaka laboratory, there we will find the solution to our problem.

V: Yeah? And how do you know?

Y/N: I spent a shit ton of time down there, or rather my "soul" did. I know this place inside out, I can bring you down there and then we can finally part ways as two separate beings.

V: If I remove the chip, I will die.

Y/N: That's if you do it yourself or some random Ripperdoc does it, but with Arasaka technology and medicine on our side? Whew, you can't even imagine what kinda tools they have down there, you'd be surprised.

V: Maybe you're right, but how do I know you're not bullshitting me?

Y/N: You do realize that I want to leave your body as badly as you want me out of it, right?

V: That doesn't tell me much.

Y/N: Well, it should because it would help you understand this much better.

V: You literally drugged me and then began cutting off body parts, adding in new ones and installing some crap into my nervous system.

Y/N: So? Look where it brought you. You just slaughtered Oda. Fucking Oda! One of the three main henchmen of Arasaka. Do you know how scared Arasaka will be when they find out? Never before has this much damage been dealt to them in such a short time.

V: Can those Arasaka Supreme Scientists give me my arms and legs back?

I asked mockingly.

Y/N: Sure.

V: Now you're just lying.

Y/N: I've seen them giving a braindead Arasaka member a new brain, if they can give someone a new organ they sure as hell can give you new limbs.

V: Why didn't you ever tell me about all this?

Y/N: Because you never listened.

V: If you would've told me that there's a chance to extend my life and live normally without you on my ass, I would've listened.

Y/N: At least now you do. So, what do you say? Do we continue our killing spree or do we run back to your Ripperdoc's apartment?

V: I guess there's no turning back now, is there?

He shook his head with a smirk.

Y/N: Gotta finish what we started.

10 hours later

V: For how long am I supposed to keep climbing this crap?

I asked as I rammed my blade arm into the window of a skyscraper to continue pulling me up.

Y/N: Just a few more floors left until we're at our destination.

He responded as he casually walked on the windows and wall of the building.

V: Why can't I have it as easy as you?

Y/N: Because you're not dead...yet.

V: Yet? I won't die here.

Y/N: That depends on how you fare against Takemura, this guy is no pushover.

V: Is anybody at Arasaka a pushover?

Y/N: Heh, I guess not. I was just trying to tell you that it's gonna be a harder fight than against Oda. This guy might not have as many cyber thingies attached to him as Oda did but he has even more fighting skills. Now, stop. That's our floor.

V: Good, let's get ready to rumble then.

I punched the glass in and jumped into the room, where I was met with Takemura sitting at his office table, looking at me unimpressed as if he was awaiting me.

"There you are, V. I was expecting you."

V: How's that?

"Well, I see a clear pattern in your actions, you're attempting to bring down the three security pillars of Arasaka before bringing down the main man himself.".

V: You're right, I won't debate that.

"You can skip me as I will not fight you. You can walk up right to Smasher for as much as I care."

V: What? Why's that? What happened?

"Let me show you."

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