Chapter 5

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2 Days later.

Morgan: Alright, now, let me repeat the plan one last time to make sure everything works out just as planned.

Y/N: Fuck that, this guy is such an annoying planner, I can't. Let's get outta here.

V: Y/N is annoyed by all your explaining and wants to go.

Morgan: I know, Y/N was always like that. There's just one thing that I want you to do before we start this operation.

V: What is it?

Y/N: He'll tell you to take the blue pill.

Morgan: You need to push Y/N back, like way back. Get him to the back of your head, throw him out and keep him outside for as long as you can.

Y/N: Hmph, told you he'd say that shit.

V: But...why?

Morgan: We'll be dealing with more than enough during that festival. We can't risk Y/N messing with your head during that time.

V: He could help us.

Morgan: He'll only make things worse. I'm not gonna sit around and beg you to do the right thing. Just know that the success of this operation lies in your hands, so do what's necessary and take the blue pill, I'll meet you at our rendezvous point.

He explained while walking off and later teleporting away.

Y/N: Take the blue pill and stay in wonderland, huh?

He asked me as I examined the container with the blue pills.

V: He's got a point, y'know.

Y/N: What point? He wants you to push me out to make a point.

V: Is it like an old rivalry between you two?

Y/N: You can call it that, yeah.

V: Is it about Rogue?

Y/N: Mhm, I guess so.

V: You guys need to drop it, we have more important things to think about now.

Y/N: Tell that to him, not me. I don't care about Rogue or anything in Night City, I'm dead, remember? The only thing I care about is getting my revenge so I can rest in peace.

V: Then you shouldn't care about this either.

I said before chugging down two blue pills which painted his face in disappointment.

He just shook his head and waved his hand at me in a rude manner while walking away.

V: We'll talk once Oda is dead.

Y/N: Mhm, something tells me we're gonna talk again before that happens.

3 hours later

We were standing at one of the many balconies, looking down at the huge parade beneath us.

Morgan: Is Y/N here?

V: Nope, I took your advice.

Morgan: Good. Now, you remember everything?

V: I'll make my way to Oda while you take care of the snipers. Then we'll take him down together.

Morgan: Good.

V: Let's bring this guy down then.

Morgan jumped off the balcony and teleported to another one, slicing both snipers in half before jumping away again.

I on the other hand gave my best to move over to the room where Oda was located while seeing Morgan kill all the snipers in the corner of my eye.

After a few parkour sections I finally made it and stood before the door of the room.

V: Morgan I'm standing right before the Oda's door, where are you?

Morgan: V, shit, I'm a little under fire right now, I'll come over as fast as I can, okay?

V: I just wait or engage him alone?

The connection broke off and I was left standing before Oda's door, not knowing what to do.

He can't be this strong right?

I can take him down, it won't be easy but it'll be possible.

V: Oda!

I shouted as I kicked the door in and stepped inside the room with my pistols in the air, scanning the room for movement.

V: I know you're here, so come out and fight!

"Where is Morgan?"

I heard a voice ask from somewhere around the room.

V: Oh, he's coming, he'll be here in a few seconds.

"You sure he didn't leave you to die?"

V: Nah, we're a team. But nice attempt to make me doubt him.

"Your plan is to bring Arasaka down, his plan is something entirely different."

V: Right, like you know his plans.

"Just think about it logically, why wouldn't he be here with you right now?"

V: Because your boys are shooting at him like there's no tomorrow.

"With "my boys", do you mean the snipers that he has already killed?"

V: Probably the back up your boys called.

"We don't even have that many men positioned here. He's lying to you."

V: Yeah, I'll absolutely believe the Arasaka Henchman instead of my partner.

"It's not about which factions we belong to, it's about who we are and what our intentions are. Blackhand hated Silverhand more than he hates Arasaka, and the only way to get rid of Silverhand is to kill you, since he's inside your head."

V: He would've done so himself if he truly wanted to get rid of Y/N.

"He's not a guy to backstab his partners, he's too proud and righteous to do that, but if one of us kills his partner and causes Silverhand to disappear forever? Now that would be just perfect for him.

V: You're talking all this shit while you don't even have the balls to show up and look me in the eye.

"If that is your wish, so be it."

He responded and popped up a few meters before me.

"Does that change things?"

He asked, raising one of his hands in the air, while the other one remained in his pocket.

V: That changes a lot.

I responded, my eyes fixed on his in a stern way.

He was dressed very formally, like he was part of some cooperation meeting, but that didn't mean that he couldn't fight, quite the opposite.

"My name is Oda, but you already know that, since you came here to take my life and bring you one step closer to your victory over Arasaka."

V: You got that right, fucker.

Was the last thing I said before rapidly pulling the triggers of both of my pistols.

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