Chapter 4

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"Now, before we get to bringing down Arasaka, there are three main guys that we need to take care of in order to weaken their defenses, Oda, Takemura and of course, Adam Smasher."

V: There's no way we can bring all three of them down.

"You can't on your own, but with my help? Easily."

V: Weren't you shot into pieces by Smasher? What makes you think you can defeat him?

"Cuz now, I got you and I know a guy that will help us bring them down."

V: What's that guy's name?

"Morgan Blackhand."

V: Oh shut up, you're fucking kidding me.

"There's no room for jokes and giggles. You don't have much time left and I won't waste my chance to return to the real world."

V: You don't even make it a secret that you're just using me for your personal gain...I guess I kinda like the honesty.

"There's three possibilities how this could play out."

V: Which would be?

"We find a way to stabilize the chip with Arasaka technology. You let me overwrite your brain and take over your body. And, the most likely outcome, we fail and die in the dirty ditch called Night City."

V: That's really motivating, thanks.

"No need to thank me, now, are we gonna look for Blackhand or what?"

V: What makes you think he wouldn't just shoot me on sight?

"Tell him Silverhand sent you, it's gonna be fine."

V: A guy that has been dead for decades has sent me to talk with him, yeah, right.

"He'll get it, trust me."

V: I'm not trying to cut my life even shorter, y'know?

"Yeah, got it. But the only solid way to make your life shorter is by doing nothing."

V: Fine, fine. I'm on my way.

I gave in with a groan and stood up from the bed, making myself ready and getting into the car.

V: Is it safe to drive?

"I don't know, do you have a driver's license?"

V: That's not what I meant, dumbass. I'm just worried about losing my consciousness and crashing into a fucking wall while you're laughing your ass off in the backseat.

"Then drive slow."

V: Why didn't I ever think of that? Thanks.

After driving through Night City, Y/N told me to stop in front of an apartment that looked pretty down.

V: Are you telling me Morgan frickin Blackhand lives in a piece of shit apartment like this?

"Did you expect a mansion?"

V: No, just something better than this grey box that you call an apartment.

"He's trying to not get caught by the way. Arasaka has trouble picking cherries from a grey mass. If everyone is the same, how are they supposed to find the special person?"

V: Blackhand is a special person? Just another merc.

"Well, he's the only one that went toe to toe against Smasher and survived, this can't be said about everyone else."

V: That was years ago, pretty sure he's just an old man now.

"True killers don't dull, V. They sharpen with age."

V: Right, let's see how sharp this old man will be.

I said as I opened the door to the apartment complex and went up the stairs, looking for door number 24 as Y/N told me.

V: Ah, there it is, room number 24.


I knocked on the door a few times, getting no response every attempt until I decided to just kick the door in and enter.

"This is exactly how you'll get yourself killed, what the hell is wrong with you?"

V: I've got other things to do. Now, where is he?

"Probably sneaking up on-"

A kick from the side to my legs brought me to the ground and the next thing I saw was a shotgun being aimed at my face.

Morgan: You better start explaining why you kicked my door in before I'll do the same with your skull.

V: Blackhand, we need your help.

Morgan: Who's "we"?

V: Me and Y/N...Y/N Silverhand.

Morgan: What are you even talking about? He's been dead for God knows how long.

V: He's right here with us. Arasaka has captured his consciousness inside a chip that's in my head right now.

Morgan: I know they have those chips but how do I know that you got one inside your brain?

Y/N laid his hand on Morgan's shoulder, which he seemingly felt as he looked to the side but saw nothing.

Morgan: What was that?

V: Y/N.

Morgan: Stop bullshitting me.

V: I'm not. We need your help to take Arasaka down.

Morgan: Right, have fun with attempting that. The Aldecaldos tried to do that stuff, look what happened to them.

V: I know, Silverhand told me.

Morgan: Hm, stand up and follow me.

He led me to a monitor and told me to sit down before activating it.

The monitor sent a few blue beams up and down my head, scanning me.

Morgan: Alright, so you didn't lie about the chip, it's an Arasaka model and it's inside your head. But, how do I know that it's Y/N who's inside there?

"Listen to me and tell him exactly what I'm telling you."

He proceeded to tell me small pieces of information, which I repeated out loud for Morgan to hear.

V: You met in the Afterlife and hated each other's guts because you both fought for Rogue's heart, Y/N had Alt, you had Judy but you both wanted Rogue.

Morgan: Hm, hehe, yeah, young and dumb.

V: You fucked up the Voodoo boys in your first gig together. Then drove over to Misty and asked her to tell you guys your futures. 

Morgan: Y/N never believed in this crap but I do, so I insisted.

V: Y/N's Future was full of betrayal and death. Yours was filled with loneliness and nothingness, just a black void. Although you both were set for fame and love, you just chose the wrong path and the wrong people.

Morgan: I guess we both did. Okay, that's enough for now, Y/N and Misty are the only ones that could know about that, so you've talked to one of them.

V: You want me to bring you to Misty?

Morgan: I'd love to but I haven't seen her for so long, it makes me ashamed that I cut off all contact with her for no damn reason.

V: Then time to socialize a little, don't you think?

The weak smile on his face was the perfect response.

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