The End

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I made my final choice by jumping down from the rooftop and running straight to the entrance of the Arasaka building, all the turrets and Arasaka soldiers shot at me like there's no tomorrow.

Y/N: Focus on getting through, just ignore them.

V: That's what I'm trying to do!

A huge soldier ran up to me and attempted to grab me before a bullet flew through his head and he dropped to the ground.

The same thing happened to most of the soldiers around me and the turrets as well.

V: What? Who's doing that?

Y/N: Who cares? Just keep running.

I rammed the door open, entering the building before slashing every soldier in front of me with my blades.

Y/N: There, the elevator.

He said as he pointed to it, telling me to get inside, which I did.

Y/N: Top floor.

I chose the top floor and jumped out of the elevator once we arrived at the top.

All the turrets were deactivated to my surprise..

V: This can't be, right?

Y/N: Just be glad that there's no resistance, let's get to Smasher and the brat.

On the long way to Smasher, we found the corpses of Arasaka soldiers plastered all over the floor on the way there.

Y/N: The fuck?

V: Now, that's a shit ton of corpses.

Y/N: An impressive amount for sure, whoever did that, took all the work away from us.

V: Who's capable of doing all this?

Y/N: No idea, man. I can only think of Smasher himself.

V: But that's not possible, right? He'd never turn on Arasaka.

Y/N: You're right, but who else would be able to do such a thing?

V: Let's keep going and find out, shall we?

We entered a huge hall, which was decorated by Arasaka corpses as well, their blood was all over the place which made for a disturbing sight.

V: Fuck...

The only one still breathing in the room was Adam Smasher himself, standing in the middle of the room, holding the corpse of Yorinobu by his neck.

V: What happened here?

He looked over his shoulder and dropped Yorinobu.

Adam: Someone invaded the tower while we weren't here.

V: I see Yorinobu is dead...finally.

Adam: Don't rejoice too early, there's a way to fix this.

V: He looks pretty damn dead to me, so...yeah, I don't think it's possible to fix that.

Adam: All I need is Skynet's TDE to fix that tiny slip up.

V: I have no idea what a TDE or skynet is, sounds like some science fiction movie. But I do have to ask, how did Yorinobu die? I mean, you saved him earlier and brought him here.

Adam: Sniper.

V: Hm, there was also a sniper that helped me take out the guards back there. Maybe it was the same guy.

Adam: Who cares? He will die anyway, just like you.

V: Hehehe, no, I won't be the one dying here, the Grim Reaper is on my side.

I activated my Sandevistan, and froze time as I calmly walked up to him.

Unexpectedly, he wasn't affected by it at all, and walked over to me, punching me in the gut and making me fall to my knees immediately.

V: How-how can you do this?!

I asked in disbelief as he was walking circles around me.

Adam: Sandevistan V1, what an obsolete toy to play around with.

V: You have a Sandevistan as well?

Adam: A V3, not some shitty V1 like you have. Where do they even sell these? On some black market?

I jumped up and attacked him with my blades, but he just caught both of my hands and twisted them effortlessly, breaking them in the process and rendering them completely useless.

Adam: You really thought you could challenge me? Should've went back to playing around with the small league.

Our Sandevistan's deactivated and the time around us now passed normally again.

Adam: Now you'll die alone and forgotten, just as every other Merc that attempted to bring us down.

V: I'm not alone.

Y/N: Remember me, Smasher?

Johnny asked as he appeared and weirdly enough was able to be seen by Smasher, who tilted his head and examined him.

Adam: Silverhand...didn't I kill you already?

He asked with a deep, amused chuckle.

Y/N: You did, a long time ago, that's why I came back to avenge myself.

Adam: You're a ghost, engraved on a chip, you're not even real. But I must admit, the concept of you taking over someone else's body is truly fascinating.

Silverhand: Come a bit closer and I'll show something that's even more fascinating.

Adam: Stand down and I will let you live, you might get a place inside the Arasaka Technology museum after our scientists are done with you.

He explained as he stepped up to Y/N and me.

Y/N raised his hands and nodded.

Y/N: I don't wanna fight, I just wanna show you something that might change your mind about all of this.

Adam: What could possibly change my mind?

Y/N: I got all the info right here.

Y/N swiftly pulled the chip out of my head and plugged the chip into Smasher's head.

But it didn't work as expected since Smasher caught his arm right before the chip made contact with his head and tore it out.

Y/N: Fuck!

V: Y/N...what did

I asked as I felt the blood flowing out of my skull since the chip wasn't able to hold it back anymore.

Adam: Just like good old times, right, Silverhand? You just love getting your arms ripped out.

He mocked before punching Y/N through his stomach and letting him go down to the ground.

Y/N: I'm sorry, V. I fucked always.

Was the last thing he said before he faded away.

Adam: Come here, Merc.

He picked me up by my neck while crushing the chip at the same time.

V: Just...kill me. It hurts.

Adam: Don't you worry, you will die.

He reassured me as he dragged me to a window and shattered the glass.

The place below the tower was full of blue lights as the cops were gathering down there, demanding Smasher to come down with his hands above his head.

Adam: Look at this beautiful scenery.

He held me by my neck above all the chaos below me.

I was slowly losing consciousness as I tried my best to not black out.

Adam: Nobody wins in Night City, Merc. You should've have known better.

He said as emotionless as ever before dropping me and letting me fall.

I closed my eyes as I fell down, the sirens were getting louder before the impact on the concrete floor ended it all.

The End

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