Chapter 8

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Takemura proceeded to show us a hologram recording of Saburo and Yorinobu getting into a heated argument.

Saburo tried to calm him down but Yorinobu continued and even began yelling at him.

Yorinobu went even further and began choking Saburo while pushing him against the wall.

Saburo struggled to get out of his son's grip but eventually became stiff and was thrown to the ground by his son who had an evil smile on his face, knowing fully well that the whole cooperation belongs to him now.

V: Saburo Arasaka is dead?

Y/N: He's just fucking with ya.

Takemura: Yes, he is, and it was my job to defend him, but as you see...I failed.

V: Sorry for your loss, I guess.

Takemura: Stop saying things you don't mean, I know why you're here. You must be happy to have one man less on your list.

V: Nah, I just watched an old man get murdered by his own son, that gave me the ick of the century.

Takemura: You dare make fun of this?

V: I'm not even making fun, I'm telling you the truth. I think that was disgusting.

Takemura: That is the only thing that we agree on.

V: I bet you really wanna kill Yorinobu now, don't you?

Takemura: What I want is irrelevant, he's the leader of this cooperation now, and I will respect that.

V: You don't even want to avenge your former boss?

Takemura: He is the son of my former boss and I have sworn to protect him.

V: I guess you're kinda in my way then...

Takemura: I will not stop you from going to his room.

V: Is that so?

Takemura: Yes, let's just say that I will turn a "blind eye" this time.

V: Why thank you, that surely makes things easier.

Takemura: No need to thank me, save your energy for your fight with Smasher, he will be your last obstacle.

V: Look, just a question because it interests me. If I, just for example, kill that brat, will you guys accept me as your new leader?

Takemura: Not as long as his sister is still alive.

V: Hm, thanks for the advice.

He stood up immediately and walked up to me.

Takemura: You will not harm Hanako, you will not even think about harming her, do you understand?

V: Okay, okay, I got it.

I threw my hands in the air and took a step back from him.

V: Geez, no need to get that close and personal.

Takemura: I wasn't talking to you, V. I was talking to that monster which resides inside of you.

V: I hate him as much as you do man, trust me, I do. Now, would you mind taking me to Yorinobu?

Takemura: He will know that I betrayed him if I do this.

V: He'll die anyway, so why does it matter?

Takemura: If you fail, all of this will have dire consequences that will strike me like a lightning bolt, so no, I decline.

V: Fine.

I sighed and walked off.

Takemura: Good luck, V.

V: Fuck luck.

I responded while leaving the room and making my way to Yorinobu, and soon enough, I was standing right before his door.

"Come in."

He said just before I knocked on the door.

V: You got quite a nice pair of ears, don't you?

I asked as I entered the room and closed the door behind me.

"This comes with living your whole life in silence."

V: I'm having a hard time believing you that.

"Because you've never felt the silence yourself. You've always been a street kid, out there in the city, everything around you was always in movement, and full of noise, how annoying."

V: Is this a philosophy lesson or something?

"It can be if you want to. But I know why you're here. I heard what you did to Oda, I must say that I'm impressed, I thought he'd slaughter you for sure, but look here, there you are."

V: He was an easy game. Got anyone else for me to step on?

"I like your confidence. It fits you very well."

He complimented me with an amused chuckle.

"I do have someone who's at least on par with your abilities, but facing him would be a death sentence for you."

V: Oh, you mean Smasher? Bring him here then.

"He's busy doing something else right now."

V: Like...killing innocent people?

He chuckled and shook his head.

"I guess you can call it that, I will not deny our crimes and human rights violations, I'm not like my father who tried to excuse everything. I mean, look where it brought him."

V: You killed him.

He was visually surprised but laughed it off.

"Who told you that ridiculous story?"

V: A guy that's very close to you, you might wanna check your men's loyalty to you.

"I know my men. They are all loyal, and you're just making things up so you can act as if you're all smart and mighty."

V: Your boy Takemura showed me video evidence of you choking your dad to death.


He mumbled in anger as his smile quickly faded.

"So what? So what if I killed him? I had every right to do so, he was old and illiterate, useless."

V: I'm not mad at you for killing him, quite the opposite, you made things much easier for me. One fucker less to worry about later. Now, let's get to the main event, shall we?

I asked as I walked up to him while playing around with my blades.

That's when an explosion erupted and shook the whole building.

"What the hell was that?"

V: Are you trying to blow your own building up so I won't get you? You're ridiculous.

"No something isn't right here-woah!"

The building began shaking intensively, suddenly the window glass shattered and Adam Smasher flew in, grabbed Yorinobu and jumped through the glass on the other side of the room, leaving the building before it collapsed.

Singularity | V x Male Reader Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt