VII. The Poisoned Chalice (Part I)

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Nimueh chanted a spell and dropped a flower petal into the water. She watched Merlin who stood near Eliora in the water. She pull out the petal, now transparent, and put it in a silver goblet.

"Merlin. And if Eliora chooses to save her friend..."

Nimueh enchanted the chalice.


Bayard and his men arrived in Camelot, and met Uther and his men in the Throne Room.

"Camelot welcomes you, Lord Bayard of Mercia," Uther said. "The treaty we sign today marks an end to war and a beginning to a new friendship between our people."

Uther and Bayard grasped arms. Both parties applauded while Nimueh stared at Merlin.


Merlin passed Gaius in the Upper Corridor while carrying heavy bags.

"Why do I always get landed with the donkey work?" Merlin wondered.

"You're a servant, Merlin," Gaius reminded him. "It's what you do."

"Our arms will be a foot longer by the time we get this lot inside."

"It's character building. As the old proverb says, hard work breeds... a harder soul."

"There is no way that's a proverb. You just made that up."

"No. I didn't."

Nimueh faked a fall right in front of Merlin. "Sorry."

"It's all right," Merlin replied.

"Excuse me."

"Let me give you a hand with that," Merlin offered as he crouched down and caught Nimueh's eye. They stood. "Hi. I'm Merlin." He shook her hand.

"Cara. You're Arthur's servant. That must be such an honour."

"Oh, yeah. It is. Well, you know, someone's got to keep the place running."

"Thank you, Merlin."

"Hmm?" Merlin hummed as he looked down at the pillow he'd picked up for her. "Oh, right. Yeah. Er, no problem."

"It was nice meeting you."

Merlin watched her leave.

"Shouldn't you be busy running the place?" Gaius asked with a laugh.


"Alysan duru ronne," Nimueh said.

The door opened. Nimueh entered and opened a box with two silver goblets inside. She replaced one of them with an identical one that she enchanted at the beginning.


Merlin set down Arthur's clothes for the feast and reeled backwards, covering his face as he asked, "When's the last time these were cleaned?"

"Last year some time," Arthur replied. "Before the Feast of Beltane."

"Did it end in a food fight?"

"Don't all feasts?"

"I wouldn't know. The airs and graces of the court are a mystery to me."

"Not after tonight they won't be."

"I'm going to be at the banquet?"

"Not quite. You'll be there to make sure my cup doesn't run dry. If I have to sit through Bayard's boring speeches, I don't see why you should get out of it. Be sure to polish the buttons. Do you want to see what you'll be wearing tonight?"

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