Mk1 raiden: [pure fluff] Perfect

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The swift sounds of punches landing and being deflected filled the air, accompanied by grunts and heavy breathing. You watched as earthrealmer Johnny cage, fought shaolin monk, kung Lao.
Kung Lao would easily block most moves, although, Johnny landed enough hits to affect Kung Laos ability to fight.

You watched as he became desperate, you began to worry, not about the fight, your mind switched to the shaolin beside you. The one with kind eyes and a less dangerous hat, you glanced over at him, he looked up in awe, watching the two fight, concentrating on the movements his allies made.

You had to fight him next, returning your eyes to Johnny's fight, you took a ragged breath. You had recently uncovered some feelings for the new lad of thunder, although, you knew he had feelings for princess Kitana. Your heart ached each time you were reminded of it.

Kung Lao's hat sweep past Johnny, who gave a cocky smile thinking he had dodged it, although, it turned around and sliced him. Making Kung Lao the victor, he turned to those of us observing and smiled.

Johnny was rushed off to the monks for healing, with that lord Liu Kang ushered you and Raiden up to the stage.
You gave Raiden a smile as you both got into position, he smiled back, only his began to falter.

"Everything okay? You seem distracted.."

"I'm fine Raiden, just have a lot on my mind."

"Would it help to talk it out?" He asked

"Not with you, farm boy." You said, pushing away from him.

"What if I win?" He said, backing up as well.

"So confident in your victory? Yeah Raiden beat me and I'll tell you." You said, an air of confidence surrounded you.

Raiden began to beam, he wanted to be closer to you and this seemed like just the way. Truth be told, you didn't entirely plan on telling Raiden anyway, but Johnny was rubbing off on you being the other earthrealmer you had made a connection with.

Raiden, rushed you lightning buzzing from his body and siphoning into the ground. You jumped up, kicking him, not before getting shocked though. You fell to the ground, the stinging feeling buzzed in your muscles. Although, you did land the hit Raiden, had also fallen back, setting up holding his face. You got to your feet and approached him, he quickly repeated your actions.

Now standing he once agian attempted to use his powers on you, you jumped into a tumble, evading the attack.
You sweept his feet, causing him to fall again, but he grabbed you and shocked you in the head, causing your vision to blur. Your head hit the ground with a muffled thud, you faded in and out of consciousness.

Making Raiden the winner.

You woke up not long after, laying on a small cot, some of the monks were putting medicine on some small cuts and bruises.

Your eyes were sensitive to the light, you slowly sat up, seeing Raiden sitting in a small chair perpendicular to the cot.

"Raiden?" You spoke, your voice slightly hoarse.

He turned to face you, once he heard your voice, "Hey, for a second I was worried I hit you with too much, still kinda learning how to control it."
Raiden's words were accompanied by him flexing his fingers watching little spsrks of electricity buzz around them.

"Yeah, but I'm tough." You smiled at him.

"But I did win." He said, standing up out of his chair, "so, you're going to make good on your promise, correct?"

"Umm.. Maybe; But not right now."

"That hardly seems fair." Raiden spoke.

"You knocked me unconscious, Raiden, give me some time." You said jokingly.

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