Major Announcement

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Yeah that's how you start lol.

It's been what? A couple years since I last updated anything on my page, and I apologize.

Life gets to one and it gets hectic.

So here's the run down, and pardon my foul language but,

What the actual fuck was I writing in these stories, rereading every single one of them and I get nauseous on how they didn't flow properly and many people could have problems understanding some stuff!

So here's the run down,

The story isn't too badly written but, I am thinking on rewriting this entire story. I'm not changing stuff or the storyline I held on from the beginning. I have a different writing style now, and hopefully you guys will like it!

There's no solid dates when I will post the new updates, but I don't know if I'd like to keep this as if and make a completely new story, or just delete the current chapters and write the new ones as they start flowing in.

I'm thinking the latter.

Whether or not any of my old readers sees this update, I'm writing a new story for this book which will be separate from here. That way, any old readers can enjoy this old chapters.

I'm also thinking on writing a Jujutsu Kaisen story yet I have crossed this line yet.

Please bare with me please!!

I hope you all have a great evening.


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2023 ⏰

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