the letter

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Kevin's POV

Krystiana: hay Kevin a letter just came in the mail for you.

Kevin: cool what dose it say.

Krystiana: I don't know you open it.

Kevin: ok.

I started to read it as I read my facial expression turn from good to worried it read "once you see this well be watching you as you read it ill be there to kill you all of you Bewear - the black bloods"

Avail: what did it say???

Kevin: I'm gonna kill her.

Avail: it said that.

Kevin: no but me and kasara know who it is.

Kasara: what do you mean!?!?!?!?!?

Kevin: read the letter.

Kasara: wait so its real??


Kasara: I never liked her.

Kevin: me neither.

We prepared for weeks I showed everyone there true power that they held deep in side.

Avail: hay kevin why arn't you Shane and genna doing this this stuff.

Kevin: because avail I found out how to use my powers at 11 (btw I'm 12) and genna is a spirit healer oh ya and shane blows things up when he gets angry.

Avail: ok then.

As we prepared day by day once one person figures out how to creat a froce field they put one on the house that was the deal but in three weeks time everyone mastered there powers and there was only one more person to call.

On the phone.

Kevin: hay when can you be in L.A.

???:actually me mom and our brother will be there today why.

Kevin: because we need you I'll tell you everything once your here.

Hung up.

Haylii: who did you call.

Kevin: our sister not Arizona our other one.

Haylii: christina??

Kevin: yup.

In two days I got a text and my family had gotten here already and I told them everything anyway I got a text it was from a blocked number.

Reading text.

Blocked number: hope your ready cuz here we come meet us at the junk yard by the high way at 12:00 don't be late.

Kevin: now will that be am or pm????

Blocked number: pm you dumb a$$.

Kevin: ok remember thoses words cuz they may be your last.

Done texting.

It was 12 and everyone was there but they were hidden some in bushes some in plane shight but it was just me who walked in.

???: by yourself I see this will be easy.

Kevin: I wouldn't be to sure of your self cuz everyone has a trick up there sleeves.

???:well see.

Kevin: who are you anyway.

???: I'm delexis the vampire Queens servant.

Kevin: we delexis bring it.

Delexis: ATTACK!!!!!!!!

I saw hundreds of vampires coming for me so I did what we pland I froze them all in there place everyone on my side came out.

Kevin: NOW!!!!!!!

Shane got angry on command everything around us was destroyed I couldn't see an inch in front of my noise once the smoke cleared everyone on my side were next to me and almost all the vampires were still there as they unfroze they stoped in there tracks.

Delexis: where did they come from what happened to my family!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Kevin: apparently your queen isn't that smart now is she?????

Delexis: how dare you insult the queen PUSH FORWARD!!!!!!!!

We went face to face with vampires throwing fire, energy, Green, and plasm balls some were dropping like flies but so were we we lost shane, Matt, cameron, trevor, Issa, krystiana, and sam but I losted it after we lost haylii.

Kevin: HAYLII.

Tears were falling down my face.

Delexis: now how dose it feel when something you love died.


I ran straight for her creating energy swords and sliting delexis throat and riping out her heart with my bare hand now my eyes were black and my voice sounded like a demons voice.


with in minutes all of us were down some of us still alive.

Vampire: any last words.

Kevin: ya look up.

As the vampire looked up Thunder bolds were raining down on them one by one dieing some fire balls came down as well but once it was all done I could here people talking.

???: don't you ever mess with my son and daughter.

???:now run you little pieces of sh!ts.

Kevin: mommy daddy.

(Btw Linda is the mom and danny is the dad)

Linda: I'll heal haylii you get Kevin.

Danny: ok.

Kevin: daddy I -

Danny: shh Kevin its ok were here now.

I was completely healed once he finished the sentence.

Kevin: daddy haylii.

As I ran toward haylii I hugged her as tears ran down my face.

Kevin: haylii I'm so sorry I love you I'll never take you to something like this ever again.

Linda: we haave to heal everyone else.

Kevin: ok.

We went around healing everyone except for the vampires once everyone was alive and healed we all gave a big group hug.

???: my vampires, delexis danm you Kevin.

Kevin: do you realize what you put us through kasara died because of you.

???: I don't care about you are her I wish both of yall would die.

Linda: don't you dare speak to my son like that.

???: I'll speak to him how ever I want to.

Danny, Linda, and haylii: the hell you will.

They all threw a fire ball at her.

???: oh didn't kevin tell you im immune to witched powers.

Genna: well how about this.

Genna threw a plasm ball at her as the "Queen" stud there once the ball hit her she went flying.

???: but how I'm immuned to witches powers.

Genna: but I'm not a witch.

Kevin: I swear to god ill kill you tessa you wait.

Tessa: come and try.

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