it was just my imagination

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Kevin's pov

I woke up but Scott wasn't next to me I looked around and searched all through the house I asked everyone where he was everyone said that he didn't exist I started to question everything I mean why was everyone saying he doesn't exist I mean Joey and Shane saw him come up to me me and him went on a date how can you not exist was it my imagination I mean it couldn't be are you want now saw him he interacted with us did I  make him up as I look back he was bearly there what does this mean I guess it means im crazy well now we know.

A/N ok so this was supposed to be before chapter "NO B!TCH" but I know wrote it so don't judge me anyway I have to tell you the next chapter is the last chapter and I'll tell u more after I make it so here u go and I hope u liked this story cuz I loved wrighting it so ya also this is my first book so don't be a hater and tell me theres things wrong with it but u know BYE also u might be like what about tessa well I will have to bring her back in another story

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