going to school

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Kevin's POV

I finally arrived at texas I hate it I don't hate texas I hate the school I have to go to, wood middle school I was going into 8th grade ugh this year is gonna suck.

Once I got to school I got my schedule and 1st period was English 2nd period was science 3rd period was math 4th period was ssi reading (an extra reading class) 5th period was america history and then it was lunch then 6th period was p.e. 7th period was reading and finally 8th period was theater arts.

During the day I met a girl her name was raina she was really nice me and her had 8th period together it was fun as I usually do I went on the bus and waited for my friend marva to come on well it turned out she wasn't there that day.

For the next few days I went to school I would skip first, second, and third period where I went u might ask well I went to a parallel universe where the charmed ones excited and I meet Wyatt, me and wyatt started going out but there was a problem demons had a big idea to bring the source, avatars and barbas back ( btw if u don't know what im talking about go on Netflix serch Charmed and watch..............continue) I asked him what happened to Piper, phoebe, and Paige he told me that they died trying to fight them off everyday I would keep on going to the charmed universe and help wyatt fight them off but it was no use I know what I have to do.

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