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Everything is set into motion. There is no turning back beyond this point, not after all the time I've waited to restore the order that has been twisted by an ignorant newcomer who thinks that collecting gladiators from across the multiverse as if were a sport.”

“A fighting tournament is a warzone, not a playground for commonfolk to prance around idly like a bunch of imbeciles. The time has come to clean out the filth, and what better way to clean out the scum by disposing of unnecessary rubbish.”

“They will know what it means to fight with the skin of their teeth. A real gladiator fights to survive, and if they want to test their limits in this arena. They'll have to make sacrifices in order to achieve it.”

“Only one can be crowned champion. If they truly want to partake in the spoils of war, they must pay the price that is in store for them.”

To those who crave power to create an empire, they have to eliminate the opposition. To those who pledge an allegiance to make something greater, there has to be strategy to tear down enemy strongholds.

For the ones who dare oppose the new order shall be plucked out. And if anyone has the audacity to stand in the way to hinder the conquest of the true empire shall be eliminated.

Anyone regardless of age, race, creed, gender, form or any other being resists shall become collateral damage. No excuses.

This is what it takes to watch the enemy — FALL.

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