Chapter 3: Herring 🆚️ Piros

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“Hexice,” ParaVi called via telepathy. “What is happening with Felin and Ryan?”

Hexice hid himself from the crowd. He watched the bystanders pass him. He kept a poker face as he telepathically returned the call, “Whatever do you mean?”

“Don’t play dumb,” ParaVi replied. “I saw Breloq subdue Felin during Ryan’s fight. And not to mention your interference with the fight.”

“An inevitable event,” Hexice said. “With so many people here, certain futures are locked regardless of anyone’s intervention, including myself.” He touched his tattooed blood.

“Then I can presume that your powers are down in the meantime,” ParaVi said as he saw Hexice through his Oculli.

Hexice waved, hoping that ParaVi would see the greeting. “Now, everything will be dust in the air. You and I will not be able to see what comes next.” Hexice began to walk. He turned a corner. “Tantetra!” He thought and spoke aloud as he encountered her. His eyes jolted to the side as he heard ParaVi repeat her name.

Catching on, Tantetra spoke to both of them, “One of you needs to explain Ryan’s temper to me.” With no answer after a few seconds, she continued, “I taught him that Rune arrangement for life threatening purposes. What I can see is a mere spar for a mundane prize.”

Hexice took off his hat and held it in front of him. Hiding behind his hat, he answered, “I am unsure.” Tantetra pulled out a golden, smoking pipe and pointed it at Hexice. Nervous, he added, “It’s a bond.”

“A bond?” She repeated.

“Between Felin and Ryan… Being a Deity of Trust, they may have created a bond between them, linking their emotions and powers… I believe.”

“You believe?”

“Indeed. This is new, perhaps. Maybe Pathalias knows more. You know, Deity of Bonds, and such… Yet, I still doubt it since if that knowledge is present and available, I should have seen it coming… with depth.”

“You saw it no less.”

He chuckled a confirmation. “Futures change. I tried to be positive. Optimism doesn’t hurt… Not all the time.” He twiddled his fingers.

Tantetra marched in on Hexice. Hexice leaned back. Tantetra pulled down Hexice’s closed eye with her thumb. “As I thought…” She studied the blank, white eye. With an exhale, she turned. “I will, for the least, acknowledge your quick act to prevent a catastrophe.” She walked off. From behind, a cloud of smoke rose above her head, and a thin trail from the golden pipe that could be seen from her side as she crossed her arms.

The spotlight hit the host as she stood forward.

"We are back at the Redemption Round. I, your host, reeled in one of the challengers from the Melee Division. Liked by some, hated by others, keep your hands together for the Hue-Man fisherman, Herring Ja." After she mentioned his name, some of the spectators booed while they saw Herring step forward into the platform.

He blatantly ignored them as he walked into the center of the platform, fists on his hips. "Who is gonna be my opponent?" Herring hollered before the booing became louder.

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