Chapter 2: Chris 🆚️ Ryan

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Ryan rubbed Felin’s hair as they and Breloq walked the halls. Felin hummed the names ‘Mia’ and ‘Ama’. Ryan paid little attention to her happy mumbles. Breloq, on the other hand, was not happy, to say the least. He knew her words and their reference. They even struck a memory.

A man was stuck inside a dark cave. Light snuck through an opening, but everything was still dark… and cold. With whatever light available, the man picked up the rings of keys. His fingers fiddled with them. The metals clattered against another, ringing throughout the enclosed cave.

Ryan called Breloq. Breloq gathered his senses. The echoing sounds of the keys became prominent as they tuned in with the keys on his ring. Breloq looked at Ryan.

“Hexice seemed really happy for Felin’s fight,” Ryan started. “Do you have any idea why?”

Breloq lowered his shoulders as he unzipped his mouth. Ryan imagined him sighing. “She created the future he desired, I suppose.” He crossed his arms. “His perverse intent is no mystery, yet baffling nonetheless.”

From down the hall, Hexice spotted the three. He dashed to them, leaving a dust trail. His skirt fluttered behind. He had to hold down his hat for its wide brim violently flapped. Halfway, he jumped and twirled. “Oh, Breloq!” He sang. A few meters away, he leapt into the air. Breloq stood aside to evade the assault. But, it was needless. Hexice landed in front of Ryan. His spade eye became curious as it laid upon Ryan. Hexice made a round, bending in close for better look as he did. “My, my, my…” He breathed. 

‘A new factor has been added. New futures have been made. So fun. But a hassle. Exciting, yet aggravating… Ah! The conflict of emotions. When will it ever stop? I swear it is this place. It is no good. I, no, we must finish our business and get out… and soon.’ He faked a smile. Ryan, my dear human boy, when it is your time to battle, remember to have fun.”

Ryan nodded. “Of course I will.”

Hexice clapped his hands together. “Great! Just remember: Have fun.” He stressed each word.

Ryan gave a slow nod, feeling an odd undertone to the advice.

“Leave him alone already,” Felin barked. She grabbed Ryan’s hand and guided it along her head. “You are no fun.”

Hexice eyed Felin. “I am finished anyway. I’m off to somewhere until Ryan’s battle. Somewhere that does not have a stray alley cat.” He waved his fingers at Felin. With a word of farewell, he pranced by them. His spade eye met Breloq’s gaze. The diamond eye opened a slit. Breloq lifted his head with uneasiness.

"Welcome back to the Redemption Round ladies and gentlemen. In this round we have two contenders." The host paused before extending her right arm, gesturing towards the silhouette. "To my right, we have a gentleman that won the hearts of many with his performance in the Arena. Give it up for the gallant Venusian dreamboat, Chris!" She announced, the spotlight showed the handsome Venusian blonde in his blue suit as he flashed a smile, the audience gave a round of applause. Some fangirls were shouting his name. A manly voice hollered, "FIGHT ME CHRIS!" Though Uiwo wouldn't be surprised that his younger muscular brother did something like that.

Oh, brother. Uiwo rolled his eyes as his suspicions were confirmed when Ximo whistled at Chris.

"To my left, we have a young summoner who fought valiantly against a skilled elf. Despite this, it didn't stop him from falling out of bounds. So he's back for another round, give it up for the contractor, Ryan!" The host enunciated as she stretched her left arm for the spotlight to hit him. Ryan raised his arm to block out the spotlight from his eyes.

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