I'm back.

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A few hours into the trip, the jetpad was flying across the skies as quickly as it could. The grandmaster and the mentor had put the kids to rest in the jetpad's medbay, they were lucky to have one, honestly it would be stupid of them to not have it at all.. Though, that didnt stop the mentor from worrying about what could happen to his cadets, all having suffered a minor to major injury of some kind.

The mentor had finally gotten himself together and properly took care of those he'd hurt, meanwhile, the grandmaster had ended up staying with him, his grimbler parked within where the vroomster stayed, while grim HQ was being piloted off by the grimbots, trailing them from behind.

Ubercorn, now sitting alone at the table, sighed to himself as his brows furrowed in worry.. He had managed to calm himself, but it didnt stop the thoughts from slowly eating away at him, it didnt stop the ache in his chest, the guilt that came from what happened. His thoughts were filled were what ifs- your faults- all you could think of, but, those thoughts were shot to silence when he heard a voice..

His voice.

" Here. " The grandmaster spoke, placing a cup down infront of the unicorn. He had given him a strawberry milkshake. It was always the grandmaster's recipe that he'd always adored.. His dull, cyan eyes glanced up towards the giver, visible confusion plastered on his face. His ears perked up as the mentor spoke " whats this for..? " he gave a smile as he rose the glass, it wasnt much, it was the most he could give in this situation. The grandmaster sat himself down beside him,

" ..I just figured it would help.. It i s your favorite after all. "

He responded, the unicorn froze slightly, even then- after so long- he still knew..

" You wouldnt shut up about it when we were cadets.. So I thought this would help. "

the grandmaster spoke, looking away from the other.. Ubercorn's smile widened slightly, a sense of fondness taking over him, with him there, he always felt..loved. In one way or another.. " thanks " The unicorn raised his glass before taking a sip, the sweetness sliding down his tongue was enough to calm the unicorn completely, the thoughts dissipating as the flavor brought him nostalgia from a time simpler than this. 

" MMnf, just how I remember it.." 

He smiled, that gentle smile that the grandmaster has always been after. Even after all they've been through, everything theyve witnessed and everything they've done. Some things just stay the same.. And despite everything

They're still. Them.

The grandmasters eyes flitter to the gaze of the unicorn, taking note the dark, dullness of those eyes. It hurt him, how those shining cyan lights had dimmed through out the years.. he knew this situation had taken a toll on the mentor, more than it ever could on him. He couldn't..no. He does understand the pain his team- his nemesis was going through. It was that dull worry, despite everything going smoothly now. It just bubbles inside your mind. All this negativity wasn't good for the mentor.. He put a hand on his shoulder. Having caught sight of the other drifting back into those dark thoughts, as he spoke

" It's going to be okay.. "

He tried to reassure him, the mentor glanced towards the hand on his shoulder before his gaze went to meet glitch's, his voice soft, " how do you know..?" " Just trust me..I know. "

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2023 ⏰

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