Part One

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I had watched him for a little while now. I quickly figured him out. Knew how he worked. How he lured women in and how they were defenseless against his charms. He knew how to read body language and shower the girls with attention, only to overwhelm them to the point where they couldn't say no. He was patient yet fast as lightning when he needed to be. In the end, they all wanted him, even if they thought he was the biggest asshole around. They knew, and yet they couldn't resist him. After all, he was the ultimate bad boy. So I wasn't surprised when I saw him make his way towards a library, of all places. He had his eyes set on a new girl, following her from the park. I had to admit she was brave, walking through a park this late in the evening. Her goal was clear; she carried several books in her arm and a laptop bag swung over her shoulder. The headphones had prevented her from hearing his footsteps; her eyes were cast down at the road in front of her. Jester was going for the students now. Probably because he thought they were easier; who knows? After all, he was more for the chase and the quick thrill, and college girls were usually not that clingy afterwards. I watched with interest as he quickly passed her to hold the door open for her, a polite smile on his face. He was taking the gentleman-approach with her. Earning just a little bit of trust before he would seduce her and, if he was lucky, fuck her right in the alley behind the library. Or even between the rows of bookcases.

My footsteps were almost silent as I pushed the door open and slipped through a little crack. It wasn't hard to locate the two. The girl had chosen a spot in a corner, placing her books on the table. She hadn't taken the headphones off but had pushed them a bit to the side. It was a clear sign she wasn't interested in talking to him, yet she was polite enough to listen to his words for a little bit. I smirked. Poor Jester. He really had no idea what would be coming for him. I made my way towards them, sticking to the shadows until the last moment. I brushed past him, making sure our skin had that second of contact. That was all it took. She barely noticed me or my apology as I made my way towards the aisle that held the fantasy books. But he did. I had seen how his head snapped up at the sound of my voice. I even saw the slight rush of goosebumps on his skin. I took a random book from one of the shelves and let my eyes skim over the back. I did not read the words, as I was waiting. As anticipated, I did not have to wait long. I placed the book back on the shelf and took another. This was so easy.

"Are you looking for something specific?" a hushed voice asked, close to my ear. I acted startled and turned around, placing my hand over my heart.

"Oh my, I didn't see you there." Jester's pupils dilated as he heard my voice, and his lip twitched. It was so subtle, but I noticed immediately.

"I'm sorry, miss; I didn't mean to scare you," he purred softly as he moved a little closer, his hand leaning against the shelf next to me. A signature move of his, combined with that seducing smile. It made the girls feel like he gave them his full attention, yet they subtly felt like they had no other choice but to focus on him. It was the first step to overwhelming them.

"Oh, you didn't, sir," I said, mimicking his soft, teasing tone as I placed the book back on its shelf. I closed the distance just a little bit, looking up at him. He was towering over me, and he smiled. "I was just looking for a distraction for tonight, that is all." I knew he couldn't resist these words as his smile widened just a fraction.

"I think you have come to the right place for that," he whispered back, leaning slightly forward. I cast my eyes to the side, letting my fingers slide coyly over the backs of the books. The hushed tones were making this a fun and dangerous game. For him.

"I really hope so. I don't mind going after the unreachable."

"Nothing is really unreachable if you really want to. So tell me, how can I help?" I smiled as my eyes moved back up to meet him. I knew the whispers and hushed voices aroused the both of us beyond what we would ever admit. We weren't that much different, him and I. A quick image of him fucking me in one of the dark corners here while desperately trying to remain silent rushed through my head, but I quickly shook it away. No, not yet. I was in for the long run.

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