Part Three

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He had been hunting for the last couple of days. Yet he didn't seem to find his prey. His eyes were darting over the groups of girls without finding what he was looking for. It got to a point where I almost started to feel sorry for him. Almost. Sure, he hadn't done anything to me personally, but this was for all the girls. I knew who he was looking for. What he was craving. He was looking for my face among all the faces. He went back to the library. The cinema. Yet he would not find me there. If only he would open his eyes. I was there, watching his every move. There was barely a second during the day where he would be alone. There were moments when I thought he saw me. Noticed he was being watched. But I made sure the moment was so fleeting that he wasn't sure if it was just his imagination or if I was actually there. Desperation was what I was aiming for, and he was giving me exactly that.

So I emerged from the shadows. Being well aware of his gaze and his location, I crossed the street and made my way to the large supermarket. I immediately knew he had found me, feeling his eyes burn in my skin. Even though I did not see him, I knew he quickened his pace to catch up with me. Feeling relaxed and in charge, I took one of the baskets and lazily made my way down the first aisle of the supermarket. There wasn't much I actually needed, but I was curious what would happen if Jester stepped inside. Getting the full, mundane experience. I was curious to see how far he was willing to go after I denied him last time.

"Lily. Fancy seeing you here." There he was. I looked up from the bread to find him walking over to me. He looked extremely out of place, and I could see how uncomfortable he actually was, despite his arrogant appearance.

"Jester! Wow, I did not expect to see you here." He just smiled as he leaned forward, kissing me lightly on the cheek. I was slightly taken aback by the sudden, kind gesture. He completely caught me off guard with that, but I quickly recovered, smiling at him. I knew it was his way of coming close and smelling me without coming off as a creep. After all, he still thought he was dealing with an actual human girl here. His dilated pupils told me just that.

"Well, sometimes even someone like me has to have some food." He patted his stomach, but I knew that was just a ruse to get in here. Be close to me.

"I'm happy to see you either way. I hope I didn't cause too much trouble last time." I knew he went to one of his regulars and had his wicked way with her, but I also knew his mind wasn't in it. His thoughts were completely occupied by me. But I also knew he had done nothing since then.

"No, not at all! Although, I have to admit, I was hoping for a better ending to my evening." I smiled innocently at him as we reached the produce aisle.

"I'm sorry. I loved our time together, though." I let my fingers slide idly over the zucchinis, looking for the exact right one. I measured one in my hand before putting it back. I noticed the clenching of his jaw as his eyes followed my fingers as I played with the vegetables. I took another and squeezed it slightly. Happy with its size, I placed it in my basket.

"Would you like another... eggplant?" Jester whispered lasciviously as he took the basket from my hand. I took one from the pile and squeezed it as I looked up at him, testing the firmness.

"You know, I happen to like eggplants. They are very tasty as long as they're prepared the right way." Now it was more than clear; his eyes dilated, and he swallowed. I handed the eggplant to him, making sure our fingers touched for just a second.

"Some.. melons maybe?" His voice was hoarse as he waved his hand towards the fruit, his eyes not leaving my face. I chuckled and shook my head.

"Not this time, although I do love some good melons. They can be very... juicy. Though I would like some nice, ripe, firm peaches." I moved forward, followed closely by Jester. He was not leaving my side for a second. My fingers wandered over the small fruit, following the contours and lines, before selecting a few. Jester took them off my hands, desperate to touch me again.

"Now, I just require some meat. Follow me." He never complained nor said anything as he followed me to the right section of the supermarket. If I had made a detour or walked in a circle, I'm sure he would have followed my exact same steps, but I decided not to push him. So far, he was just thinking I was being teasing, but maybe a little careful. Coy even. In his mind, he was still in charge but going at my pace. After all, a hunter should be patient while stalking its prey.

I smiled to myself as I stood in front of the coolers filled with meat. Jester stood beside me, facing the same way, but his eyes were on me.

"I could use a nice, thick sausage." My hand wandered towards the sausages, neatly packaged in plastic. Jester shifted, and I swore I heard a low, hungry rumble coming from his chest. He swallowed but didn't say anything just yet.

"Or maybe something more... chopped into pieces." I waved at the minced meat right next to it. I now shifted my body towards him as I pointed at the vegetarian section just behind him.

"Or I would have to be satisfied with something more artificial..." Jester turned to me now, standing chest to chest as he looked down at me, our eyes locking as the shopping basket softly hit my leg.

"I would always go for a nice, warm, juicy sausage." His voice was low and laced with need. I swore I could feel something poking me in the non-existent space between us.

"Oh, would you now? And tell me, What would I do with that warm, juicy sausage?" He leaned forward so he could lower his voice even more without others hearing it, and he chuckled softly in my ear.

"I would give it to you slowly, bit by bit, until you're completely stuffed and fully satisfied. But the pleasure doesn't end there, of course." I gasped softly as I felt his warm breath against my ear, whispering the teasing words. I bit my lip. I had to admit that he was good at what he did. I had to be careful not to give in to my own lust for this man. Others have been a walk in the park compared to him. And that aroused the hell out of me. I had to keep a level head, but feeling his nail gently glide over my spine made it hard. I just imagined tangled up limbs, heavy breathing, moans and groans in a dark room. I leaned my head slightly to the side, so my cheek brushed his. "Oh no, just feeling how... full you are, feeling all that nutritious goodness move inside you—that is the thing that keeps you going, isn't it?" I moaned in response, softly, so nobody but us two could hear.

"'Scuse me." The magic between us was broken when a heavy set man who reeked of old sweat wormed his way behind me, reaching for the products we had completely forgotten about. I looked up at Jester as he stepped away. Both our cheeks were slightly flushed from arousal, and I grinned cheekily at him.

"I-I think you've convinced me; I'm going for the sausage." Jester just chuckled as he took the sausage from my hand and placed it in the shopping basket.

We were silent as we walked towards my little apartment. There had been no doubt that he would come with me, but I knew what I was going to give him. I knew he expected so much more. In silence, I unlocked the door and listened to the hollow echoes as we made our way up the first set of stairs. There, to the left, I had a small apartment. I was rarely here, but he would never know that. I was prepared for this moment. So when I pushed the door open, I turned around to face him.

"I'm sorry for the mess; I did not expect visitors." It was a lie. Each item had been strategically placed to make it look like I was actually living there. The basket of clean laundry near the couch, still needed to be folded. A glass on the kitchen counter, as if I had drank some tea this morning. Shoes kicked in a corner. The door to the bedroom is wide open, with the bed unmade.

"Make yourself at home; I'll just quickly put my groceries away." I watched how he moved to the couch, eyeing the laundry. I knew he had spotted some of the panties I had in there. So far, he was buying it. So I stuffed everything in the fridge and turned around to join him. Sexual tension shot like electricity between us, and I only nurtured and fueled it.

"Do you feel it?" I whispered, licking my lips. His eyes shifted to my lips before moving back to my eyes. His pupils dilated, his lips wet from his own tongue sliding over it. It was the heartbeat in his chest that picked up the pace. A flicker of confusion shot across his face. I quickly realized he very rarely felt this. The chase was fun and thrilling, but never before did he have to work this hard to get something. Never before has he felt this flicker of nerves. If one didn't know any better, they would think he would have a crush on me. But Jester didn't have crushes. He would chase, he would fuck, and he would discard. The only one he cared about was himself. And now here I am. A seemingly normal, innocent young woman is driving him completely crazy. 

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