Part Five

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The game was nearing its end. This time, I didn't leave him much time in between meeting him. I knew what he craved; I could almost feel it in my own core. He was hungry, and he was desperate. He now knew one of the locations where I resided, but he hadn't seen me there again, even though I knew he was lurking. After all, I kept an eye on him at almost all times. He saw nothing and nobody, but his nose was in the air the entire time. Hoping to get a whiff of my scent. Hoping for my face in the crowd. He wandered around the city, but he kept visiting the spots we had met up before. Poor little puppy dog. This had been fun, but it was now time to finish it.

It was a beautiful day. It was slightly chilly, but the sky was clear and bright blue. The sun was shining, and the birds were singing. The air smelled like fall. Absolutely perfect. It was already late afternoon when he spotted me. I was sitting near the bus stop, just waiting for my transport. I had deliberately missed the first bus, knowing Jester would come by this place sooner or later. And I didn't mind being outside. I liked people watching, seeing how they interacted with the ones around them, or just minding their own business.

"My queen Lily, we meet again," a soft, sultry voice whispered in my ear. I quickly turned around, as if I didn't sense him from a mile away. I could feel it the second he spotted me. Knew exactly where he was as he stalked closer. I even knew he had a happy grin on his face, despite trying to hide it. After all, he was Jester. He didn't fall for girls. Girls fell for him. And then he'd dump them and move on.

"Jester! So I've moved up the food chain and gone from princess to queen? I like it!" I giggled as he sat down next to me.

"Yes, I think you've earned it by now."

"By giving you a handjob? Well, if only I knew that sooner, I would have done that ages ago." Jester laughed out loud, and I swore I could hear a trickle of hope in his voice.

The bus stop got a little bit more crowded at this point, as the bus would be nearly here. Just a few more minutes.

"So what are your plans for the day? Any girls to chase?" I was obviously teasing him, and he grinned.

"No, I think I already found my target for the day." I giggled very girlishly and stood up.

"Well, you're in luck." I grabbed his hand and pulled him into the warm bus. Most people quickly found a seat in the front, but I took him to the far back, where I found an empty spot with nobody behind us. There, I pushed him back in the seat and sat next to him, so our legs were touching. As soon as the bus lunged forward and we were pressed back into our seats, I placed my hand on his thigh. I heard the little purr coming from the back of his throat over the sound of the engine of the bus, being so attuned to his needs right now. With each little bump, my hand shifted closer to his crotch. It was innocent enough, but we both knew the game I was playing. I didn't touch him there, not yet. He'd need to be patient. Something he probably mastered in the short time we first met. Once my fingers were close enough that I swore I could feel him twitch in his pants, I moved back. Just slightly. Just enough to make him frustrated. I needed to get off in 2 more stops, and it was time that there wouldn't be a way back for him. I cleared my throat, like I wanted to say something, and leaned closer to him. He immediately leaned forward and turned his head slightly, so his ear was aimed directly at me. Instead of a whisper, I very softly let my tongue slide over the side of his ear, all the way to the pointed tip. His breath hitched, and this time I was sure I felt him twitch.

When I sat back, I noticed he had closed his eyes and a flush had crept up his neck. He is ready.

I took him by the hand and pulled him off his seat and out of the bus. The stop was just a couple of steps away from the entrance to my apartment building, but I took my time going up the stairs. I could feel his impatience. He had hopes for where this was going but didn't have the nerve to push me. Ever since I licked his ear, he had been silent. Following me without a single word. When I glanced at him, he had a dazed look on his face. At my own relaxed pace, I opened the door to my personal space and took him inside.

Things were exactly as I had left them last time. The laundry was still by the couch. The empty tea cup on the counter. But he only had eyes for me. He didn't see anything but me. Time for the end game.

With my hand on his chest, I gently herded him to my bedroom.

"Do you have any idea what you do to me, Jester?" I said softly as we stopped in the middle of the room. His eyes darkened, and he licked his lips.

"Why don't you tell me, Queen Lilera?" A delicious shiver ran down my spine as he used my whole name instead of just the shorter version. I had to say I was a little surprised he still remembered it. I smiled as I let my hand slide down my own jeans and slipped in my panties, gathering just that tiny bit of my own wetness. I doubt he needed much. Instead of showing him how wet I was, I pushed my fingers into his mouth. When I felt his tongue slide over my skin to taste me, I knew I had won. He moaned deeply, and his eyes fluttered close. If I had done this too soon, it might have broken him, but I had waited for the exact right moment. Everything was as it was supposed to be. There was nothing left of the arrogant, chick-hunting Jester, who thought he was on top of the world. He was now decimated to this small, hungry little boy, who wanted nothing else but to serve me. His body was completely still, with just his chest rising and falling with his breathing. I know his mind is fighting him right now. There was still this little voice at the back of his mind that questioned his thoughts. His feelings. This overwhelming need to give in. I knew that. I didn't underestimate him. Jester was stronger than the ones I had encountered before, and that was part of the fun. I took a small step forward and softly kissed him, letting my tongue slide over his lips. Before he could stop himself, he opened his mouth, and his tongue darted out. As soon as our tongues touched, his body released whatever held him back. He relaxed, sighed and gave in. The kiss barely lasted two seconds before I broke it off. I didn't step away. Instead, I placed my hand on his cheek and whispered that one word against his lips.


Immediately, he let himself drop to his knees and looked up at me. There was nothing behind his eyes—nothing other than actual submission. Jester opened his mouth to speak, but he had no more words. I just looked down at him, on his knees, silently begging to be made mine. A small smile appeared on my lips, and I nudged between his legs with the tip of my shoe against his raging boner. Right now, there is no confusion in Jester's brain. His whole world revolved around this moment and around me. I had worked hard for this moment, and he fell for it. My one goal was to have him on his knees in front of me. And here he was.

"Tell me what you want, Jester." My hand hadn't left his cheek, and it was almost like I felt a slight shiver as I spoke his name. This time, it wasn't out of narcissism, like it normally is. This time, it was pulling his mind back enough to be able to form thoughts and words. I smiled. He really was completely mine.

"I want to serve you, my Queen," he answered softly. I just nodded, knowing there wasn't a single lie inside his brain. His entire core only had focus for me. I took a small step backwards and slowly pushed my jeans down, along with my panties. It was the first time he saw me naked from the waist down. I walked backwards until my knees hit the bed, and I sat down. There, I slowly opened my legs and beckoned him closer with a single finger. He crawled. The sight of him crawling was absolutely gorgeous. He was groveling not because I asked him to, but because he had no other choice in his mind. He only had one goal, and he had his eye on the prize. When he came within reach, I placed my finger under his chin, using it to pull him closer, guiding him between my legs. We both moaned when his tongue slithered out of his mouth and came into contact with my wet folds. We both felt the surge of energy that was coursing between us. It both drove us insane, and I pulled him closer by his hair. I knew he was holding back, being careful not to harm me with his sharp teeth, but I wanted nothing of it. I wanted to be mauled by him. He needed me as much as I needed him. We had both been on edge for too long, teased for too much. It had all come down to this moment. 

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