He looked majestic

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Kimberly's POV*

"Woher haben Sie diese Frauen, Bill?", the guy with cornrows said to the mohawk guy whose name was apparently Bill.

"I guess they are not locals, Tom. Speak English.", Bill said to the guy with cornrows whose name appeared to be Tom. I liked Tom's style, very different but still somehow very tempting. And the cornrows suit him so well.

Tom took a glance at us and smirked to Bill. 

"We got something else to bring home today, too. Right, Bill?", Tom crossed his arms and kept on smiling and checking us out. Our gazes met, but we both ignored that.

"Well, are you taking them to your ride then?", Bill asked Tom.

"You take the ginger, I'll take the beauty in black hair."

Tom wanted to took me to his car, and drive me somewhere. As a hostage. What the fuck? We're going to get separated with Joanna, which may not be good. I hope she'll be alright and that these thugs don't do anything to harm us.

The sound of police car's sirens was carried on into our ears from not even far away. The four guys immediately looked at each other, and the two of them ran towards the main door to get outside. Bill took Joanna and pulled her along by her wrist outside the bank. Tom grabbed my wrist and tried to get me moving, but I insisted.

"Get the fuck going! We do not have much time!", Tom yelled at me.

"I'm moving nowhere! I'm not gonna come with you, you unknown thugs!", I responded.

"Do you wanna get caught, huh? To prison? Is that your wish, you idiot?", he brought his face close to mine while saying this.

"I won't get caught. I didn't steal anything!", I yelled.

"So you're gonna stay, while the bank has been robbed and you're just standing here alone? Isn't that suspicious in the eyes of the police? They'll definitely caught you, little thief.", he said to me, now with a calmer tone of voice.

He grabbed my wrist again but now I didn't insist going. I knew he was right, I'll get caught otherwise. But how did he know I'm a "little thief"? Bill never told him that we were there to rob the same place.

He led me through the main doors to a little alley between the building around the bank. We kept running, and reached a parking hall. I definitely needed to catch a breath and Tom noticed it and slowed down, still holding me by my wrist. We ran across the parking hall towards two pitch black cars next to each other. These cars were the same cars where Joanna had laid her eyes previously. 

"Get to the passenger seat.", Tom said to me.

I made my way there, closed the door and watched Tom get himself behind the wheel. All the windows were tinted, so the car was very dark from the inside. The only light that came in was the light coming through the windscreen and the light lit up Tom's facial features and his black cornrows. He looked majestic.

The car next to us was probably Bill's car, and he left before me and Tom did. Tom threw the car around and drove our way out the parking hall, while smiling from pleasure he got from driving. He made many tight turns while I was trying to survive on the passenger seat. The tight turns made his wheels to whine and smoke. His car was so lowered that I could feel every possible bump and rock on our way to somewhere unknown. 

Even though this guy was unknown and just kidnapped me, I didn't feel scared. I never felt scared. But the thing is, I felt quite safe here.

1:10 PM

We had made our way out the town's center, to a highway. Tom was hitting some more acceleration and I watched how the numbers in his car's speedometer did a sudden rising. I kept watching and holding my breath while the speedometer's needle was reaching the numbers 150 km/h and higher. 

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