Why am I living like this?

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Kimberly's POV:

12:30 PM

I knew Tom would come looking for me, and that the first place he'd look for would be Joanna's apartment. But I had no intention of going there at the first place. Tom thinks he knows me so well, but he'd never find me here without serious thinking and reflecting.

I reached a neighborhood, 15 kilometers away from the town's hustle and bustle. As I was driving along the street, I took a glance at each one of the beautiful yellow family houses surrounding me in both of my sides. All the terraces had some kind of flowers, and some houses had happy kids playing on the backyard. The family cars, "Welcome home" carpets, smoky chimneys, happy kids, busy parents and all that made me feel peaceful. Everything was so well in here, in this exact neighborhood. Everyone seemed to be good citizens and good humans, and their life was in place. Complete opposite of me and my life.

I kept on driving and reached the end of the street, where was this crossroad. I took a turn to the right and saw a long line of yellow houses again. These houses were smaller and some didn't have a garage or a proper driveway. The line of yellow houses continued into a forest, where the atmosphere got darker because the tall spruces were blocking some of the sunlight. 

I took another turn to the right and now the surface of the road turned to gravel. I felt the gravel cracking under Tom's car's tires as the road was coming to an end. The last house of this neighborhood was here, in front of me. It was a bit more far away from the other houses, and it had a large yard for kids to play in. Yellow house with a small terrace decorated with red roses and a red Ford Kuga parked in the small driveway.

But the thing is, there was no house in front of me. There used to be, but it had burned down in an accident. Or that's what the news used to say, that it was just an accident.

Joanna's POV:

I need to think. Seriously. I know my best friend, but right know I feel like I don't know her. I have no idea where she'd be. Tom was the last person who talked to her, so I blame him if something happens to her. Wait, Tom was the last person who talked to her? And now something clicked in my mind.

"Tom... What did you say to her?"

"About the accident, the house fire.", Tom said and I heard him feeling guilty through his tone of voice.

"You mean Kim's family's fate? That accident?"

"Yes, that accident."

"We've been talking about that with Kim, she never ran away or did any this type of shit. But wait, how do you even know about it? Kim would never voluntarily tell you about that.", I was now questioning this whole situation.

"It was not an accident, it was us, me and Bill. Mostly me.", he said with so cold tone of voice that it started to piss me off.

My eyes widened and all the things started to fall into place. All the pieces came together. Why these thugs were so obsessed of us, why they needed us to perform another heist - into a fucking police station, all those things made sense now. But most of all, these fucking thugs killed Kim's family. Cold blooded and brutally.

I remember the day when Kim's family died. I was her best and only friend, and our parents knew each other, too. That day my mom got a call from the police station, around midday, and my mom turned pale very quickly. She seemed so shocked and was already preparing to leave to the station, while still talking on the phone. I was concerned, and when she turned the call of, I asked her what was it about. She took my hands on hers and told me everything. That Kim was now alone and scared at the station. Her home burned down with her whole family in it.

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